Gaslighting VS Lying: 7 Differences You Should Understand

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At first, gaslighting and lying can easily be mistaken for the same thing. Upon closer examination, you’ll discover the subtle differences between gaslighting and lying, explained in this article. Before venturing into the details, why is it important to tell the two apart? Understanding the differences between gaslighting and lying is critical when dealing with individuals who … Read more

281 Would You Rather Questions for Kids in 2024 [Printable]

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Why are would-you-rather questions so effective for kids? If you’ve ever tried to help children open up and communicate more, you probably agree with me that it can be a challenge. Kids are focused on the things they enjoy, and, more than anything, they love playing and spending time with their friends. However, people of all … Read more

51 Passion Project Ideas & Examples List for 2024

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Are you feeling stuck? Like you’re treading in water, flapping around but not going anywhere? If so, you’re not alone. When trapped in a basic work-life routine, many feel frustrated, stuck, and ultimately unfulfilled. One great way to free yourself from that basic routine of going to work, going home, going to sleep, and starting … Read more