63 Best Brené Brown Quotes on Vulnerability & Daring Greatly

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Courage and vulnerability—are these two character traits related? Is it possible to be courageous and vulnerable at the same time? Brené Brown believes that one has to learn to be vulnerable before reaching the highest peak of courageousness and bravery. In her words, “You have to embrace the suck; courage over comfort.” This post is … Read more

61 Words of Encouragement to Comfort Someone with Depression

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Chances are, someone you know personally in your family, on your job, in your neighborhood, in church, or civic organization is suffering from depression.  It may even be you that is depressed.  Love and support from those closest to you or close to a depressed person you know can be the lifeline needed to bring … Read more

71 Money Affirmations to Attract More Wealth & Abundance

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While money isn’t everything, most things in life involve some form of monetary transaction. For example, a dream house, fancy car, or a vacation to Europe costs lots of money. But being able to afford such things is another matter altogether. One way to get into the money-making mindset is to use some money affirmations. … Read more

45 Inspiring Words of Encouragement for Athletes

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Even though you are blessed and gifted with the ability to run fast, jump high, and exhibit incredible feats of strength… it still does you mind and soul good to receive words of encouragement.  Whether in sports or life, setbacks and defeat are certain.  Those unfortunate circumstances are sure to bring pain and frustration.  And … Read more