51 Monday Affirmations to Kickstart Your Week

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People don’t look forward to Mondays. But, for working adults, it’s time to go back to work after the weekend. Unsurprisingly, many people underperform at work on Monday due to the Monday Blues. But that shouldn’t stop you. There are ways to start the work week strong. With these Monday affirmations, you’ll learn how to … Read more

60 Positive Beauty Affirmations to Feel More Attractive

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How many times have you felt unattractive or less beautiful than others? This feeling can often cause a lack of self-esteem and even jeopardize our social interactions. Not fitting into society’s “beauty standards” can be frustrating. But it can also be a blessing in disguise. If you want to change how you feel about your … Read more

65 Birth Affirmations for a Healthy Labor & Delivery

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While bringing new life into the world is an exciting time, there’s no doubt that giving birth is challenging. Whether you’re going the natural route or are induced or having a C-section, the experience can often be emotionally exhausting. Undoubtedly, your mindset plays a vital role in the way you process situations. With the help … Read more

60 Encouraging Affirmations to Move On After a Breakup

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Breakups are sometimes inevitable, and it’s natural to feel sad, angry, or frustrated. However, it’s not healthy to dwell on these emotions for too long. One positive way of moving on is to use affirmations after a breakup to pick yourself up. These statements are easy to remember, and you can repeat them several times … Read more

87 Words of Encouragement to Inspire Women

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Over the years, women have proven that they are a unique, exceptional species. They have succeeded in politics, career growth, personal development, and every other aspect of life. This post aims to inspire more women to continue this fight—to prove to the world that they are intense, phenomenal, and extraordinary. We share with you words … Read more

67 Words of Encouragement for Mothers Who Might Be Struggling

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“Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.” —Unknown. Motherhood is love and selflessness in its purest form.  A mother loves so hard and sacrifices so much to ensure her children are taken care of. Many moms make sure their children always have the latest and the best of everything… while they are still … Read more