Emotional Blackmail: Definition, Examples & How to Stop It

emotional blackmail | emotional blackmail definition | how to stop emotional blackmail

Discovering you are a victim of emotional blackmail stirs up mixed emotions. More so, if someone you care about is using this form of psychological manipulation to control you. Emotional blackmailing typically occurs in close relationships, especially between romantic partners. It could take place in other types of close relationships, such as within the family or friendships. … Read more

4 Steps to Validate Someone’s Feelings

how to validate someone's feelings | examples of validating statements | what to say to validate someones feelings

Every human interaction involves an exchange of information wrapped up in emotions. Think about the last time you talked to someone about an unpleasant event you’ve gone through. Or a pleasant one. You presented various details (information) about the event, but you also conveyed a certain emotional vibe. The emotional experience helps the other person … Read more

Narcissistic Triangulation: Examples & How to Stop It

narcissistic triangulation | triangulation | narcissistic triangulation definition

Narcissism is a personality style where the individual, called a narcissist, is excessively interested in satisfying their own needs while overlooking yours. As a result of a lack of empathy, narcissists tend to form relationships solely to gain control and satisfy those needs. Narcissists employ different types of psychological manipulation tactics to stay in control. Narcissistic triangulation is one of those. By … Read more

7 Steps to Handle Your Toxic Sister-in-Law

toxic sister in law | dramatic sister in law | how to handle a toxic sister in law

We all tend to jokingly say that “in-laws” are so difficult, which can include mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, and sisters-in-law (via your brother and from your husband).  However, nothing prepared me for how toxic my sister-in-law (by marriage) could be. After I confided in her about something personal, she phoned my husband to tell him what a terrible … Read more

10 Signs & Symptoms of High Functioning Depression

signs of high functioning depression | what is high functioning depression | high functioning depression

Often referred to as the leading cause of disability, depression has been on the rise in recent decades. Nobody knows exactly why… Some speculate it’s the result of rapid population growth. In other words, the more people you have in a community, the higher the number of individuals with depression. Others believe that abrupt (economic … Read more