55 Positive Mental Health Affirmations to Recite Daily

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Feelings of anxiety can be debilitating, and many people will experience a form of anxiety at some stage in life. Anxious feelings are often rooted in unhelpful thoughts and belief patterns. Mental health affirmations can help stop anxiety by removing negative thoughts that manifest as frequent bouts of fear and worry. Learn how affirmations can … Read more

43 Famous People & Celebrities with ISTJ Personality Type

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Over the years, more and more people have begun to wonder where they fit on the personality scale. We now know it is not as simple as being introverted or extroverted – there are several layers to our personalities.  One area where some people fit is the ISTJ personality. The ISTJ personality type is one … Read more

9 Science-Backed Benefits of Using Positive Affirmations

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The benefits of affirmations are evident and confirm that words do have molding power. I’m saying this from personal experience. However, I will provide scientific proof that affirmations can create a positive mindset as well as enhance our life experiences. I once struggled with excessive overthinking, catastrophizing, and negative self-talk. I habitually said to myself, … Read more

60 Positive Spiritual Affirmations for Daily Inspiration

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Modern society has become so fast-paced and impersonal that it seems that we’ve lost our connection to the spiritual world. Although happiness can be achieved through many different activities, studies have shown a significant relationship between spirituality and happiness. Encouraging your spiritual growth through positive spiritual affirmations ensures that your body and soul remain in … Read more

75 Words of Encouragement for Retirement or to Retirees

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Do you know someone close to retiring? Retirement is an exciting milestone that gives people freedom from certain responsibilities after a long career. However, many people have mixed feelings about retirement as well. Why is that? Well, a lot of retirees feel overwhelmed with their newfound freedom. After working a 9-5 for decades of their … Read more

7 Ways to Stop Catastrophic Thinking & Catastrophizing

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Everyone thinks negatively from time to time including children. However, there are people who engage in exaggerated negative thinking, also known as catastrophizing, almost every day. Honestly, I struggled with an exaggerated thought pattern in my early adult life. I lost count of how many times loved ones told me to “Stop making a mountain … Read more

29 Famous Fictional Characters with ENFP Personality

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One of my favorite movie characters is Willy Wonka. He possessed extreme creativity and put on a show for the masses with his delightful chocolate factory. Each invention of his was simply a masterpiece.  When it comes to musicians, I remember Elton John’s colorful costumes and vibrant music since childhood. His video for “I’m Still … Read more