21 Best Yoga Books for Beginners to Uplift Your Mind and Spirit

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This list is a comprehensive collection of the best yoga books. There are two types of books on this list.   The first type of Yoga books teaches the physical moves of Yoga: how to perform the different poses. The second type of Yoga book is more spiritual in nature. These books teach the deeper philosophical and … Read more

5 Best Non-Slip Yoga Mats [2024 Update]

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Are you a yoga enthusiast who is looking for a quality mat? If so, then you might feel overwhelmed by all the available options. In order to perform every position, you need a mat with the right kind of materials. It should be non-slippery, but also durable enough to withstand hundreds (even thousands) of sessions. … Read more

4 Visualization Techniques & Exercises to Reach Your Goals

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Is visualization a valuable psychological technique? Or is it all pseudo-science garbage? The truth is some of both. There is real workable science behind the basic concept, which frames visualization as a sort of “mental rehearsal.” But there are also a lot of books, blog posts, and faux “experts” who exaggerate claims about how you … Read more

45 Motivation Affirmations to Succeed and Stay Positive

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Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated. You’ve probably had those moments when a challenge seems insurmountable and you feel like giving up. So if you’re looking for a way to keep up your motivation and maintain a confident outlook, then a few motivational affirmations can help. In this article, I will explain what motivation affirmations … Read more

7 Simple Steps for Dealing with Rumination

Overthinking is evil. Like the whispers of a devil, it pretends to help while just making the situation worse. Overthinking leads to rumination. Rumination leads to action paralysis. Want to learn how to stop rumination? Unfortunately, the cure for overthinking is as complex as the cause. But follow these 7 steps and you can slowly … Read more