51 Bible Verses About Rest and Recovery

bible verses about rest | the importance of rest in the bible | rest for the weary scripture

The daily routine of working, along with managing and troubleshooting life, can be overwhelming at times. In fact, it often makes it hard to quiet your mind.  I know that’s the case for me. In a world where success is measured by how much you have, it’s easy to feel guilty or lazy if you’re not constantly … Read more

15 Humbleness Examples You See Throughout Life

humbleness examples | be humble meaning | define humble

“Oh, did you also see how high-and-mighty that person is? They’re really amazing!” Said nobody ever, right? People don’t like it when someone acts all superior and snobby… but if you are living a life filled with humbleness examples, you are sure to be admired and people will naturally gravitate to you.  “Being real is … Read more