What to Talk About in Therapy? 22 Topics to Consider

what to talk about in therapy | therapy | what is therapy

Mental health is an important aspect of everyday life. Back in the day, it was not promoted as something important. Many people overlook their mental health and emotional well-being as a result, including those with mental disorders who need treatment. The unwillingness came from the social stigma associated with mental illness. You risk getting criticized … Read more

7 Long-Term Benefits and Advantages of Group Therapy

disadvantages of group therapy | benefits of group therapy in occupational therapy | benefits of group therapy for trauma

Have you ever wondered if group therapy is right for you? This might be a question you be asking – especially if you’re tired of the regular 1-on-1 therapy sessions that many people experience. So if your therapist is the get-to-business kind, then you should seriously consider joining group psychotherapy.  Depending on the professional help … Read more

How to Use Exposure Therapy for Your Anxiety, Fears, & Phobias

exposure therapy for anxiety | exposure therapy for anxiety worksheets | exposure therapy exercises

Is persistent fear, phobia, or anxiety keeping you from enjoying life and nothing seems to help? You’re not alone. Based on statistics reported by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, millions of Americans are living with one or more of these conditions. Anxiety is marked by persistent and excessive fears and worries. This may … Read more

7 Ways to Stop Catastrophic Thinking & Catastrophizing

catastrophic thinking | catastrophic thinking example | catastrophic thinking symptoms

Everyone thinks negatively from time to time including children. However, there are people who engage in exaggerated negative thinking, also known as catastrophizing, almost every day. Honestly, I struggled with an exaggerated thought pattern in my early adult life. I lost count of how many times loved ones told me to “Stop making a mountain … Read more