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Do you find dating stressful and full of anxiety?
So do I. I’ve learned to use words of affirmation in every aspect of my life. Specifically, love affirmations do more than bring love to you; they teach you how to love yourself. The one-two combo is easy to brag about because affirmations for love do work.
Affirmations have the incredible power to change your thinking in the simplest of ways. The repetition of positive ideas becomes second nature.
We tend to sometimes repeat the negatives without realizing it. With a little bit of mindfulness and direction, you will find the affirmations for love that work for you.
Let’s take a journey through 87 love affirmations to attract your special someone and find the right fit for you.
First, what are affirmations?
Affirmations are positive phrases or sentences that drown out negative thoughts. It is an easy approach to positive thinking that gives you room to weave personal statements once you get the hang of mindfully repeating phrases.
Affirmations are not magic. Underlying triggers and trauma will still exist, but practicing them relieves anxiety and pain. It is a scientifically proven approach to finding comfort in the sea of chaos that the fast pace of life causes.
It takes practice to be successful. It also takes slowing down and wanting to change negative thoughts to positive ones. Scientific studies have shown the effectiveness and power of affirmations.
Like with most things, practice makes perfect and there is no better time to start than today.
Learning to Love Yourself First
I know that when I put my feet back into the dating pool, I failed to attract the people right for me. It is because I wasn’t sure I loved myself. By using just a few self-love affirmations, I quickly saw the results as my self-esteem skyrocketed, and attracting quality people became easier.
1. “Attracting love begins with self-love.”
2. “I am a good human being and deserve love.”
3. “I am more than worthy of love.”
4. “I deserve to be treated with respect.”
5. “I deserve fulfilling relationships.”
6. “I am single, but that does not diminish my worth.”
7. “I completely love myself.”
8. “I am strong, brave, and beautiful inside and out.”
9. “I am releasing my fears and embracing my future.”
10. “I am confident and full of joy.”
11. “I am growing every day and learning about myself.”
12. “My life is filled with abundance and prosperity.”
13. “I forgive myself for my past mistakes.”
14. “The more I love myself, the more love I have to give others.”
Affirmations to Attract Love
Once I learned to love myself, I realized I deserved love. The special sauce is love affirmations. Now it is time to shift focus to attracting that special someone.
15. “I am now open to give and receive love.”
16. “I attract loving, supportive, and committed partners.”
17. “I am attracting my true love.”
18. “I am grateful for the love I receive.”
19. “I forgive others for past transgressions.”
20. “My heart is open.”
21. “I am ready for commitment.”
22.“I deserve a true partnership with my soulmate.”
23.“I am attracting a trusting and loving relationship.”
24. “My special someone will come at the right time.”
25. I attract love from everyone everywhere.
26. Others can't help but love me.
27. The love of my life will be drawn to me.
28. I am ready to receive love from another.
29. I will draw in an amazing person into my life who will love me unconditionally.
30. I have so much love to give. The right one will show up to receive it.
31. I am deserving of a lasting relationship that can stand the test of time.
Affirmations to Accept Love
We are our worst enemies. Wanting a relationship and accepting one are different beasts. I know that even as I developed a love for myself, it was hard to let go and receive love from others. But, affirmations for love work on different parts of you to attract that special someone.
Let’s go through the affirmations for love that helps us open our hearts and know we all deserve healthy love and long-lasting partnerships.
32. “I am loved by others.”
33. “The universe is full of love.”
34. “The people around me respect me.”
35. “I am surrounded by love every day.”
36. “Real love starts with me.”
37. “I deserve healthy relationships.”
38. “I am whole and ready to accept love.”
39. “I surround myself with positive people.”
40. “I attract healthy people and relationships.”
41. I love to be loved with a special type of love.
42. I am open to having my life filled with true love.
43. My heart is ready to be filled with love from the heart of another.
44. I accept this love because it has freed me to be myself.
45. I am grateful to be adored by someone who accepts me for who I am.
46. I deserve care and attention from a special person.
47. I am receiving more love than I could have ever imagined.
48. I will not resist anymore. I am ready to be loved and cared for.
49. I am an empty vessel before a full fountain of love… ready to be filled up.
Affirmations for Unconditional Love
One of the hardest things about love is understanding unconditional love, and then putting it into practice. With the right affirmations, I learned that the only true way to love myself and others is – unconditionally.
50. “I embody unconditional love.”
51. “I love myself, unconditionally.”
52. “I radiate love towards all things.”
53. “I have unconditional love to give.”
54. “I am grateful for the people in my life that love me unconditionally.”
55. “The greatest gift is to love unconditionally.”
56. “I give and receive unconditional love.”
57. “The people in my life love me, unconditionally.”
58. I am ready for sincere affection.
59. I radiate unconditional love.
60 I attract love with no conditions.
61. I exhale loneliness and inhale unconditional love.
62. I feel unconditionally loved, cherished, and valued by my lover.
63. I get excited when I talk about the unconditional love I receive.
64. I am blessed by my partner’s deep, passionate, and unconditional love.
Never Give Up Affirmations
It is easy to give up on ourselves because that inner voice tries to drown out the positive with the negatives. But! Don’t give up on yourself and your one-day soulmate.
We are going to repeat the following together. Love affirmations don’t stop when you find that special someone; it only turns the page to a new chapter in your life.
65. “Love follows me wherever I go in the world.”
66. “I spread love wherever I go, and it returns to me in abundance.”
67. “I welcome all love with open arms.”
68. “I am magnetic to those around me.”
69. “I naturally radiate inner beauty.”
70. “I am full of love vibes.”
71. “I love myself and everyone around me.”
72. “I trust the universe to send me my soulmate.”
73. “I feel love. I see love. I understand love. I am love.”
74. “I love deeply and passionately.”
75. “I see love everywhere I go.”
76. “My life is a process, and I accept change.”
77. “I know why I started, and I will keep going.”
78. “Mistakes are human nature. I am not my mistakes.”
79. “I grow from every life struggle.”
80. “I refuse to give up on myself.”
81. I will always show love, even when my heart is hurting.
82. I will always love myself because I have a good heart.
83. I am in a different season in life, but I love the person I am today.
84. My soul is filled with warmth and acceptance.
85. I still have the power to create my own happiness in life.
86. Romance has a way of finding me, and I welcome it with open arms.
87. Every time I turn the pages of my life, love is staring me right in the face.
Final Thoughts on Love Affirmations
Practicing mindfulness keeps your body and mind healthy. I found that the addition of affirmations for love brings me closer to that happy ending I thought was out of my reach.
I figured out that an affirmation app on my phone not only put the power of my thoughts in the palm of my hand, but it also taught me that I deserve the happiness I seek through repetition and mindfulness.
It is never too late to start positive thinking. Train your brain, and you’ll see that special someone breeze into your life.
And if you're looking fore more encouraging affirmations and quotes, check out these blog posts;
- Relationship Affirmations to Grow Your Love Together
- Affirmations for Marriage to Improve Your Loving Relationship
- Relationship Goals Quotes to Inspire Couples
Finally, if you want a simple tool to record and recite these affirmations, then check out these 13 affirmations apps that help you create a positive mindset.