77 Relationship Goals Quotes to Inspire Couples in 2024

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Seeing an elderly couple walk hand in hand down the road gives us all hope that love really can last forever. It ignites a warm feeling in our hearts. And reminds us that, together, we can get through anything.

As the gentleman opens the door for his wife, he smiles at her. She is just as beautiful as the day they met. And beneath the grey hair and wrinkles upon his face, his wife sees the man she fell in love with so many years before.

It’s that overwhelming connection we all crave. That we search for and hope that ‘this is the one’ when meeting someone new (even though, 9 times out of 10, your date has you wanting to escape through the toilet window!)

But fear not, for these relationship goals quotes are hope for the still-single. They are ‘keeping everything crossed’ for the just-dating. And of course, they’re a celebration of the long-standing couples who can barely remember a time apart.

Is Being in a Relationship All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

You can’t put a timeframe on love. For some people, it takes months, or even years to fall head over heels for the person you're with. Whilst for others, the phrase ‘love at first sight’ has never been truer.

But the one thing each besotted relationship has in common is the warmth and fulfilment it brings.

It’s the sunshine in the morning before you’ve even opened your eyes. And the millions of stars you lay beneath at night.

It’s the custard to your apple pie. The peanut butter to your jelly. Or even the pineapple to your pizza if that’s your thing… Because no two relationships are the same.

Though we may crave the forever fairytale, seen in the elderly couple walking hand in hand, our journey won’t be the same as theirs. We won’t have the same ups and downs. And we won’t see the same sunsets, or ride out the same storms.

It’s these turns in the roads, the bumps on our journey, that really test our relationship. And more importantly, bond us as a couple. They teach us to depend, to rely upon and to support each other. And that love really can withstand almost anything.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at these 77 relationship goals quotes.

77 Relationship Goals Quotes to Inspire Couples in 2024

1. “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason for madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

2. “You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever.” – Love & Other Drugs

3. “Loving you well is my most important relationship goal.” – Unknown

4. “It’s the connection we can’t explain.” – Unknown

5. “Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition of friendship.” – Marilyn Monroe

Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition of friendship.” – Marilyn Monroe

6. “Be lovers, but be best friends too.” – Unknown

7. “My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and the courage to accept the love in return.” – Maya Angelou

8. “Hold me until I fall asleep.” – Unknown

9. “That’s when you know for sure somebody loves you. They figure out what you need and they give it to you — without you asking.” – Unknown

10. “There are lots of people who can call you by your name but there is only one person who can make it sound so special.” – Kim Jarabelo

11. “Be there when I stumble and when I fly.” – Unknown

12. “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss

13. “It feels good to think about you when I'm warm in bed. I feel as if you're curled up there beside me, fast asleep. And I think how great it would be if it were true.” – Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

14. “Tell me the truth, even when I don't want to hear it.” – Unknown

15. “My favorite place to be is inside your hug.” – Unknown

Relationship Goals Quotes - “My favorite place to be is inside your hug.” - Unknown | relationship goals quotes instagram | relationship goals quotes for her | relationship quotes

16. “I want someone to look at me the way I look at a decadent chocolate cake.” – Unknown

17. “You want to know the best thing that ever happened in my life? Read the first word.” – Unknown

18. “Love is when you sit beside someone doing nothing, yet you feel perfectly happy.” – Unknown

19. “Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going.” – Practical Magic

20. “Call me if you need me. Anytime. Anywhere. It doesn't matter what I'm doing.” – Unknown

21. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give you forever.” – Nicholas Sparks

22. “I want to hear you with my heart, even when you don't say a word.” – Unknown

23. “We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen

24. “Every man needs a woman in his life when his life is a mess because just like in the game of chess, the queen protects the king.” – Unknown

25. “If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.” – Haruki Murakami

26. “I'll make you smile every day. That's my job.” – Unknown

27. “… When I look at you, I can feel it. And… and I look, and I… and I'm home.” – Finding Nemo

28. “The real power of a man is in the size of the smile of the woman next to him.” – Unknown

29. “Affection is when you see someone’s strengths; love is when you accept someone’s flaws.” – One Day

30. “You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.” – Arthur Conan Doyle

Relationship Goals Quotes - "You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought." - Arthur Conan Doyle | couple goals | relationship goals quotes for him | relationship goals quotes about success

31. “I want to make you happier than chocolate.” – Unknown

32. “But for now, let me say…without hope or agenda…to me, you are perfect. And my wasted heart will love you.” – Love Actually

33. “Thinking of you is like remembering I have got ice cream in my freezer.” – Unknown

34. “Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary.” – Oscar Wilde

35. “You are my heart in human form, a friend I could never replace.” – Tupac Shakur

36. “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” – John Lennon

37. “Find love with someone who loves your free spirit. Someone who has no intention of restricting your wild side, but setting it free so they can run alongside you.” – Unknown

38. “People are weird. When we find someone with a weirdness that is compatible with ours, we team up and call it love.” – Dr. Seuss

39. “Remember that creating a successful marriage is like farming: you have to start over again every morning.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr

40. “There's no such thing as the perfect soulmate. If you meet someone and you think they're perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction, cause your soulmate is the person that pushes all your buttons, pisses you off on a regular basis, and makes you face your shit.” – Madonna

There's no such thing as the perfect soulmate. If you meet someone and you think they're perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction, cause your soulmate is the person that pushes all your buttons, pisses you off on a regular basis, and makes you face your shit.” – Madonna

41. “Forget ‘Netflix & Chill’, let’s build an empire and chill.” – Unknown

42. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

43. “You only need one man to love you. But him to love you free like a wildfire, crazy like the moon, always like tomorrow, sudden like an inhale and overcoming like the tides. Only one man and all of this.” – C. JoyBell C

44. “I knew he would always be my best friend for my whole life. That was the biggest thing to me. I'd never known anything like the friendship that I had with him. I could like him as much as I loved him.” – Blake Lively

45. “It’s all about the one who calms the storm. It’s your dancing partner, drinking buddy, lover, adventure buddy, stare at the stars and talk about life, and best friend in one.” – Unknown

46. “Love is about finding the one person who makes your heart complete. Who makes you a better person than you ever dreamed you could be. It’s about looking in their eyes and knowing all the way to your bones that they’re simply the best person you’ve ever known.” – Unknown

47. “Look, you want to know what marriage is really like? Fine. You wake up, she's there. You come back from work, she's there. You fall asleep, she's there. You eat dinner, she's there. You know? I mean, I know that sounds like a bad thing, but it's not.” – Ray Barone

48. “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard—they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

49. “A good marriage is the one where each partner secretly suspects that they got a better deal.” – Unknown

50. “After about 15 years I finally figured out that she's always right. So surprisingly we just stopped fighting after that.” – Barack Obama

51. “Ultimate relationship goals are going camping together to watch the stars wrapped up in a bunch of blankets and just enjoy this earth together.” – Unknown

52. “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou

53. “A successful marriage requires falling in love multiple times, always with the same person.” – Unknown

54. “What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life–to strength each other in all labour, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?” – George Eliot

55. “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein

Relationship Goals Quotes - “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” - Robert A. Heinlein | relationship goals quotes instagram | relationship goals quotes tagalog | relationship goals quotes mike todd

56. “Marriage is sharing life with your best friend, enjoying the journey along the way, and arriving at every destination together.” – Fawn Weaver

57. “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get–only with what you are expecting to give–which is everything.” – Katharine Hepburn

58. “My relationship goal is to see perfection in our imperfections as a couple. They make us unique.” – Unknown

59. “Marriage is a thousand little things. It’s giving up your right to be right in the heat of an argument. It’s forgiving another when they let you down. It’s loving someone enough to step down so they can shine. It’s friendship. It’s being a cheerleader and trusted confidant. It’s a place of forgiveness that welcomes one home, and arms they can run into in the midst of a storm. It’s grace.” – Unknown

60. “We work hard on this relationship every day.” – Unknown

61. “Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.” – Walter Winchell

62. “I want a love that lasts, not a summer fling. This is forever.” – Unknown

63. “Distance means nothing when someone means everything.” – Unknown

64. “Love doesn't make the world go around. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Fraklin P. Jones

65. “We balance each other. When you stumble, I'll be there to steady you. When I trip, I know you won't let me fall.” – Unknown

66. “I love that you’re my person and I am yours, that whatever door we come to, we will open it together.” – Unknown

67. “When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – Harry (Billy Crystal), from When Harry Met Sally

68. “I want someone who will love me even in moments they don't like me.” – Unknown

69. “One day you will find someone who wants to touch your butt all the time. If that doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what will!” – Unknown

70. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Bronte

Relationship Goals Quotes - "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Bronte | relationship goals quotes images | future relationship goals quotes | black relationship goals quotes

71. “Every couple needs to argue now and then. Just to prove that the relationship is strong enough to survive. Long-term relationships, the ones that matter, are all about weathering the peaks and the valleys.” – Nicholas Sparks

72. “I never want you to feel alone, especially when I'm there to hold your hand.” – Unknown

73. “Dear Husband, I don’t want us to be those parents who never act romantic in front of their children. I want our kids to learn how to really love somebody because we led by example. So kiss me in the kitchen while I am pouring cereal, cuddle with on the couch during family movie night, and hold my hand while we grocery shop. Let’s show them what true love looks like, so when they find it themselves, they will never let it go.” – Unknown

74. “You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” – Oscar Wilde

75. “Make her (or him) laugh every day.” – Unknown

76. “And one morning, you will be looking at him sleeping peacefully next to you, and you will thank God that it had never worked out with anyone else before.” – Unknown

77. “I want to hold your hand when we are 80 and say we made it.” – Unknown

Final Thoughts on Relationship Goals

There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. They all come with their problems, fallouts and the odd sleepless night as one of you beds down on the sofa.

But if your partner makes your heart skip a beat, makes you laugh until your belly hurts and holds you tight when your world is otherwise falling apart, that’s a good relationship. And all the other stuff, all the tiffs over whose turn it is to do the dishes or take the bins out, is insignificant.

Your differences don’t have to mean the end for your relationship. Check out these core value relationship examples to help put things into perspective for a happier, more balanced relationship.

And if you want more inspirational quotes, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you want to use these quotes to make a lasting change to your life, then check out and recite these 57 affirmations for success.

Rebel Jones has been writing from a young age. She first used poetry to organise words – the rhythm and flow brought peace to her chaos. But as she developed (both as a person and as a writer), she embraced her offbeat thought process and found her own style and tone. Writing is definitely her happy place and one that she’s happy to share with the world.

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