ISFP VS INFJ: 9 Differences for These Personality Types

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There are several types of personalities. Some of us are shy. Some people may bounce off the walls as the life of the party. Many of us may share a blend of these traits. How we respond internally or externally may determine what type of personality defines us.

Despite my need for adventure and change, I have always been on the shy end of the spectrum. I can come out my shell when needed. In other words, there are levels to shyness, or introversion.

With that said, you may or may not have heard of ISFP or INFJ personality types. Both personalities have many similarities. However, they differ in how they receive and process information.

What Is ISFP Personality?

ISFP stands for Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. ISFPs are known to be the artists of the group.

This personality is also known as “The Adventurer.” ISFPs are creative, loyal and passionate people. They have a strong sense of value and believe in living in the moment.

An ISFP is known to be a go-with-the-flow type of person. They don’t like rules and regulations. ISFPs prefer to live impulsively and follow their heart.

An example of an ISFP is actor Johnny Depp. Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix are also ISFPs.

What is INFJ Personality?

INFJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. INFJs are rare and make up about 1-2% of the population. They are known as “The Advocate” and are idealists.

Theses idealists are compassionate and driven to make the world a better place. INFJs are creative and have a strong sense of moral values.

INFJs are known to be private people. They like to spend time alone to recharge their batteries. They are introspective and like to spend time in deep thought.

An example of an INFJ is Mahatma Gandhi. Other INFJs include Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr.

How Are ISFP and INFJ Similar?

Both the ISFP and INFJ personality types are introverted. They are both creative. They both have a strong sense of right and wrong. However, that is where the similarities end.

Let's dive deeper into their differences.

8 Key Differences Between the ISFP and INFJ Personality

1.Planning Things

The ISFP is a go-with-the-flow type of person. They are spontaneous and live in the moment. An actor who is known for improvising as opposed to sticking to a script, is an ISFP. The ISFP hates rules and regulations. They want to experience life to the fullest.

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An ISFP is known to be a go-with-the-flow type of person. They don’t like rules and regulations. ISFPs prefer to live impulsively and follow their heart.

The INFJ is the complete opposite. They are planners. They like to have a plan and stick to it. The INFJ does not like surprises. You won't see an INFJ actor like Johnny Depp. The INFJ will stick to the script and follow the director's vision.

The INFJ is more planning and thoughtful. They like to think things through before making a decision.

2.Expressing Emotions

The ISFP is more likely to express their emotions than the INFJ. The ISFP is in touch with their feelings and is not afraid to show them.

They are compassionate and care about others. They are often drawn to causes that help others. The ISFP is the type of person who will volunteer at a soup kitchen or be a mentor to a child.

The INFJ are more likely to keep  emotions to themselves. They are private people who like to spend time alone. The INFJ is not the type of person to volunteer their time, but it is not because they don't care about a cause. They would rather spend time alone or with a small group of close friends.

An INFJ often shows passion for a cause by writing a check or donating their time in a private way. Some famous INFJ have built entire schools and created foundations.

3.Decision Making

The ISFP is a spontaneous person who lives in the moment. They are not the type of person to plan things out. The ISFP is more likely to make a decision on a whim.

The INFJ is the opposite. They like to think things through before making a decision. The INFJ is not the type of person to make a spur of the moment decision.

4.Dealing with Change

The ISFP is more likely to deal with change better than the INFJ. Since an ISFP can go with the flow, change can happen daily, and it won't phase them.

The INFJ is different. They like stability and routine. The INFJ does not like change. When change does happen, it can be jarring for the INFJ.

5.Paying Attention to Details

The ISFP is not the type of person to pay attention to detail. They are more interested in the big picture. An ISFP creative just needs a broad overview of what needs to be done and can create magic.

The ISFP is not the type of person to notice if a shirt is buttoned correctly or if their hair is combed.

The INFJ is different. They are detail oriented and notice the little things. The INFJ is the type of person who will notice if a button is missing on a shirt. They are also the type of person who will make sure their hair is combed before they leave the house.

6.Taking Criticism

The ISFP is more likely to take criticism better than the INFJ. The ISFP has thin skin and can be sensitive. However, they are not the type of person to take things personally. For example, if an ISFP actor gets a bad review, they are more likely to shrug it off or use it to improve.

The INFJ is different. They are more likely to take criticism personally. The INFJ can be sensitive, and they have thin skin. When the INFJ is criticized, they take it to heart. Since this personality wants things to be perfect, criticism can be hard for them to handle.


The ISFP is not an organized person. They are more likely to be disorganized and messy. The ISFP's desk is likely to be cluttered with papers and knick-knacks.

The INFJ is different. They are organized and tidy. The INFJ's desk is likely to be clean and free of clutter.


The ISFP is not the type of person to be a leader. They are followers. The ISFP is more likely to be the sidekick or the supporting character.

The INFJ is different. They are natural leaders. The INFJ is the type of person who is born to lead. When an INFJ is in a leadership position, they are likely to be successful.

Which Personality Type Is More Common?

The ISFP personality type is more common than the INFJ personality type. ISFPs make up about 9% of the population, while INFJs make up about 2% of the population.

What Types of Jobs Are ISFPs and INFJs Good At?

ISFPs are good at jobs that require creativity, such as artists and musicians. They are also good at jobs that require them to be in the moment, such as chefs and servers.

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INFJs are known to be private people. They like to spend time alone to recharge their batteries. They are introspective and like to spend time in deep thought.

INFJs are good at jobs that require them to think abstractly, such as writers and philosophers. They are also good at jobs that require them to be leaders, such as managers and executives.

Who Are Some Famous ISFPs?

Michael Jackson

He was a child prodigy who changed the face of pop music. In his lifetime, Michael Jackson performed dance and musical styles that changed the face of music video, put MTV on the map, and influenced fashion trends.

Michael Jackson was also a sensitive soul who was known for his kindness and generosity. He was the driving force behind “We Are The World” and donated over $300 million to charities.

He was a shy person who preferred to be as private as possible in his home life although he was hounded by the media.

Angelina Jolie

One of the most famous actresses in the world, Angelina Jolie, is an ISFP. She is known for her humanitarian work and her roles in major blockbusters. She also has a spontaneous and free-spirited personality.

While she has toned down some of her wild antics once she started a family, when she first hit the scene, she constantly made headlines. She made waves by wearing her husband's blood around her neck in a vial and getting tattoos in places that were considered taboo.

Of course, she also garnered respect for her passionate acting performances, such as Gia.

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan is known for being a “rebel without a cause.” He was always pushing the boundaries and testing the status quo with his music. His music was controversial and often sparked protests.

Dylan went against the grain and was always changing his style. This is typical of an ISFP. They get bored easily and need change to feel alive. While he had no problem expressing himself in his music, behind the scenes, Dylan is quite a shy guy.

Jimi Hendrix

The late Jimi Hendrix was another ISFP. He was a wild child who rebelled against authority. Hendrix was constantly breaking the rules and experimenting with his music. There is a reason why he quickly became “guitar god” in his relatively short career.

He was always pushing the envelope and taking risks. His performance in which he set his guitar on fire is a perfect example of an ISFP's need for excitement and adventure.

What Are Some Famous INFJs?

Oprah Winfrey

One of the most successful women in the world, Oprah Winfrey is an INFJ. She is a powerful leader who has inspired millions with her talk show and her work as a philanthropist.

While she may not come across as introverted, she is a private person who prefers to stay out of the spotlight when not working. She certainly exudes the characteristics of an INFJ by way of her intuition and her ability to read people.

Albert Einstein

One of the most famous scientists in history, Albert Einstein, was an INFJ. He was a brilliant thinker who changed the world with his theories on physics.

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Albert Einstein

As an INFJ, he was able to see the world in a different way and came up with theories that nobody else had thought of.

Mark Zuckerberg

The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is an INFJ. He is a visionary leader who has changed the way we communicate and connect with each other.

From Facebook to the new “Metaverse” he is creating with Oculus, Zuckerberg is a true INFJ pioneer.


Gandhi was a shy child who became a lawyer. He was always fighting for the underdog. He believed in social justice and stood up against discrimination and racism.

Gandhi was a peaceful man who believed in nonviolent protests. He was jailed many times for his protests. However, he never gave up fighting for what he believed in.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is another example of an INFJ. He was a South African political leader who fought against apartheid. He spent 27 years in prison for his activism.

Mandela was a peaceful man who believed in the power of forgiveness. He was released from prison in 1990 and went on to become the first black president of South Africa.

ISFP vs INFJ: Which One Are You?

Now that you know the key differences between the INFJ and ISFP personality types, which one are you? If you're still not sure, take the Myers Briggs personality test to find out for sure.

When I evaluate myself, I am someone who likes to plan things like an INFJ. However, I mostly have ISFP traits since I am the creative adventurer who truly comes alive with any of my artistic pursuits.

Even when planning things like a trip abroad, I leave enough room to experience welcome change as life will happen beyond my control. Those changes do give me plenty to write and draw about!

Final Thoughts on INFJ vs ISFP

There are many personality types and different levels of introversion. Some of the most dynamic people you know in real life or in the world of celebrity may have some level of introversion.

When seeing the late Michael Jackson perform on stage or in a video, would you have believed that he was as shy as he was if you did not know otherwise?

Let's not forget how outspoken Bob Dylan is creatively, and he is an ISFP introvert. So don't dismiss those quiet, shy types. Who knows how they may go on to change the world with music, technology, or leadership?

Learn more about folks with some of these traits by checking out 45 Famous People & Celebrities with ISFP Personality Type

Finally, if you want to identify YOUR personality type, then take one of these 11 personality tests to better understand what makes you tick.

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