35 Affirmations for Letting Go of the Past and Moving Forward

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Holding on to the past can be tough, especially when many memories are bad. Unfortunately, we all get stuck in the past sometimes, not letting go and moving forward. But with the world moving ever-forward, we must do the same.

Sometimes we need a few kind words and affirmations to help us speed up that process. So we are here to help you with just that: a few affirmations to help you let go of the past.

Why Affirmations Are Important for Letting Go of the Past and Moving Forward

One of the main things that connects us as humans is the ability to feel pain. It can be physical or emotional, heartache or physical pain, but we have all felt it at one point in our lives. And at that point in our lives, we probably asked ourselves, “How do I let go and move forward?”

Holding on to the past and not letting go can be a very unhealthy way to live your life. One of the best ways to keep looking up and not back is to motivate yourself. That is precisely why affirmations for letting go of the past can help you.

Affirmations are a self-help strategy. They are used to help you boost your confidence level and start believing in your own abilities. You probably used an affirmation here and there without even knowing. Such as:

  • I am doing my best!
  • I believe in myself.
  • I can do it.
  • I’ve got this.

These sentences shift your attention from your failures and mistakes and shine the light upon the things that make you the person you are. All your strengths are shown here, ones you already possess and the ones you are working towards. The question is, do affirmations really work?

You can’t change your whole life by saying one sentence one time. However, affirmations are generally a tool for shifting your mindset and outlook on life to a more positive and healthier one.

Many theories have surfaced in the psychological world about the benefits of positive affirmations. One of the most famous theories is the “Self-affirmation” theory (Steel, 1988). It explains that we can convince ourselves to do anything we set our minds to, with simple steps like saying positive sentences or affirming.

Doing so helps us move forward and adapt to change by influencing our conscious mind and believing that we can achieve that certain goal. These are facts about ourselves, not a product of a lie. Instead, they’re a way to help us make imagination a reality.

It is not an easy task to let go and move forward. But we have prepared for you 35 different affirmations that can help you start the process of moving on towards an anxiety-free life.

35 Affirmations for Letting Go of the Past and Moving Forward

We all go through the same experience with letting go of the past. So, if you are having a hard time letting go, trust us, you are not alone. This article is for you.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Someone

Trying to forget a big love in our lives can be challenging. I know I have had difficulty getting over someone and leaving them in the past. But it is possible to let go and better yourself by thinking positively.

  1. I am ready to move on.
  2. I am better off without them.
  3. I don’t need toxic people in my life.
  1. I am grateful I had them in my life, but it is time to move forward.
  2. I embrace the new chapter of my life.
  3. I am healing at my own pace, and I will be at peace.
Affirmations for Letting Go - I am healing at my own pace, and I will be at peace. | affirmations for letting go of hurt | affirmations to release negative energy | affirmations to let go of manifestation
  1. I am open to meeting new people.
  2. It comes naturally to me to let go of people.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Fear

Fear can be a crippling experience. But life has so much to offer, so why should we just hide behind our comfort zones and mistakes? Mistakes and failures are a part of life. But, on the other hand, they are not something we can’t fight against and win.

  1. I am brave. I am confident.
  2. Nothing will scare me anymore.
  3. I embrace my fears with open arms, and I overcome them.
Affirmations for Letting Go - I embrace my fears with open arms, and I overcome them | mantras for letting go of the past | affirmations to get over a crush | affirmations to let go of anger
  1. I am choosing to let go of my fears.
  2. I am not afraid to move on.
  3. New things don’t scare me anymore.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Stress and Worry

According to The American Institute of Stress, 73% of people have stress that impacts their mental health. If we let stress and worry control our lives, we will be miserable. But affirmations for letting go can be a big help in overcoming these thoughts too.

  1. I am letting go of everything that stresses me.
  2. I will stop worrying and find a solution.
  3. I am relaxed and ready to move forward.
  4. With every inhale and exhale, I release all my stress.

With every inhale and exhale, I release all my stress.”

  1. I won’t waste my time stressing about the past.
  2. I am over it.

Affirmations for Letting Go of the Past

You have probably heard your parents or grandparents say many times, “Never look back, only forward!” But sometimes, it’s harder than it seems to let go of something from your past and move on. It’s difficult to never wonder again, “What could have I done better?” Yet doing so is essential for healing.

  1. I’m not looking back again, only forward.
  2. Tomorrow is what matters.
  3. My future is an amazing gift.
  4. I am leaving the past in the PAST.
  5. Today I leave behind the old habits and welcome the new ones.
  6. I leave behind the old me and embrace the new me of tomorrow.
  7. I welcome the change with open arms.
  8. I am happy to be free of the problems of the past and welcome new experiences.
Affirmations for Letting Go - I am happy to be free of the problems of the past and welcome new experiences. | affirmations to let go of anger | affirmations to let go of worry | mantras for letting go of the past
  1. I am getting better.
  2. I know that what belongs to me will simply find me.
  3. The past does not define who I am today or who I will be tomorrow.
  4. My past experiences have no power over me anymore.
  5. I accept myself, I love myself, and I’m moving forward.
  6. Without hesitation, I leap forward.
  7. I am leaving the past behind and flying high in the sky today.

How to Use Affirmations for Letting Go of the Past and Moving Forward

Our brain is accustomed to change and adapts to different situations in our lives. And sometimes, our brain gets reality and imagination mixed up. Here is where affirmations come in handy.

Regularly repeating affirming statements about yourself helps you encourage your brain to believe these positive facts to be true. Most often, when you believe that you can do something, it’s not long before your actions follow along with that belief. So conditioning our brains with positive affirmations can only lead you to good things.

They help you most if you actually mean them and believe them true. It all starts with you. By saying the affirmation of your choice from our lists above, you can help your healing process. Say a sentence every morning. Say a sentence every time you feel like you are falling back into your past habits. Say a sentence before you fall asleep. It is not a quick process; it takes time, like everything else in life. So don’t rush and don’t judge yourself.

If you want to learn more about using affirmations correctly, check out our guide.

Final Thoughts On Affirmation for Letting Go of the Past and Moving Forward

“To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clinging’s and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit.” – Jack Kornfield

Letting go of the hurt of the past is hard. Only your conscious decision to take control of your thoughts can help you. So be kind to yourself throughout this experience. Start refocusing on today’s victories and leave behind the past failures. This is where affirmations for letting go of the past come in handy.

Tell us which of the affirmations for letting go helped you in your healing process in the comments below.

If you want to try out affirmations daily, be sure to check out our article happiness and positive thinking.

And if you want more encouraging affirmations, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you want a simple tool to record and recite these affirmations, then check out these 13 affirmations apps that help you create a positive mindset.

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