Pride vs Humility: Differences, Charts, and Activities to Teach Your Kids

pride vs humility | pride | humility

As a child, I was taught that talking about myself or feeling proud was intolerable and unholy. The only acceptable feeling I was allowed was to be humble to the point of allowing others to trample all over me, and I wasn’t permitted to speak one word about it. Pride vs humility had hard lines. … Read more

Sigma Male VS Alpha Male: 15 Basic Differences

sigma male vs alpha male | sigma male vs alpha male vs beta male | sigma male vs omega male

The word on the street is that the sigma male is the same as an alpha male, only that he possesses more of an introverted personality. Those backing sigma males because of their admirable characteristics stand by their opinion that these two male archetypes are different from each other in many ways. You’ll discover those differences in … Read more