77 Simple Pleasures That Fill Your Day with Happiness

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An important life goal to have is to focus on your happiness. When people think of that what they need to be happy, they often think about large materialistic goals.

In reality, the secret to being happy is to try to find simple pleasures. Of course, everyone has a slightly different definition of what it means to have a simple pleasure. So in this article, we will briefly define this concept and then provide 77 simple pleasures that can add a little bit of happiness to your daily routine.

Let’s get to it.

What Are Simple Pleasures?

Everyone has a slightly different way of looking at simple pleasures. In general, simple pleasures can be defined as experiences that are positive, brief, and usually emerge in everyday settings.

Furthermore, they are usually accessible to people at little to no cost. Often, simple pleasures are incredibly personal. As a result, simple pleasures for one person may not be the same as simple pleasures for someone else.

Because these pleasures are experiences, they require a tremendous amount of mindfulness in order to be enjoyed to their fullest extent. There are numerous ways that people can practice their mindfulness.

For example, it may be helpful to meditate from time to time. Some people may even try yoga. Other people may go for a walk in the woods. As long as some people are able to focus on mindfulness, they can get the most out of their simple pleasures.

So with that in mind, here is a brief list of ideas that can add some happiness to each day. 

77 Simple Pleasures To Try Today

  1. If you are having a bad day, think about taking off your shoes and going for a walk in the grass while barefoot. The sensation of the blades of grass on the bottoms of your feet will be refreshing. 
  2. Think about turning off the radio in the car and paying attention to your surroundings. If you realize just how beautiful the world is as you drive by, this could fill you with happiness. 
  3. Take pleasure in your morning cup of coffee. If you need to switch it up, think about adding a flavor shot or two.
  4. How long has it been since you curled up with a good book? Find a good novel, spend some time outside, and take it in. 
  5. There's nothing quite like a bowl of fresh berries. If you want to switch it up a little bit, think about adding some cream or brown sugar!
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Find a good novel, spend some time outside, and take it in. 
  1. Even though you might be sleep deprived, get up early! Watch the sun come up. There is nothing quite like the look of a fresh sunrise against the sky. 
  2. Take pleasure in your workout routine. Whether you go for a run in the morning or evening, spend some time outdoors. 
  3. If you are near the coast, go for a walk on the beach. If not, find a local lake or pond. Spend some time walking near the water. If you are truly brave, take off your shoes and dip your feet in!
  4. Spend some time focusing your thoughts. If you spend a few minutes meditating, you should get in closer contact with the world around you.
  5. Find a friend who is willing to try yoga with you. Branch out a bit and give you a try. There's nothing quite like it. 
  6. Take an extra-long shower today. Turn up the temperature a bit. That way, you can truly let the warm water melt your fears, worries, and stress is away. 
  7. Think about giving your loved ones a hug today. How long has it been since you actually wrap your arms around them? This is one of the best ways to increase your mood.
  8. How long has it been since you had a dance party? Think about turning on the music in your living room, moving the furniture out of the way, and letting loose a bit! 
  9. When was the last time you laughed at something that was truly funny? Get a few friends together and share some jokes. You can even listen to some funny podcasts. This is a great way to let loose just a bit. 
  10. Are you a fan of chocolate? If so, give dark chocolate a try. Even though this could be a bit better, you may end up liking it! Take pleasure in the taste of chocolate against your tongue. 
  11. When was the last time you talked to a friend on the phone? We are not talking about texting. We actually mean talking to someone else. If you are looking for someone to lift your spirits just a bit, talk to a friend on the phone. 
  12. Do you like dessert? If so, give a root beer float a try! When was the last time you had one of those? Get a scoop of ice cream, pour some root beer over it, and indulge a bit. 
  13. Do you have a significant other? If so, go for a walk with him or her in the rain. This is a great way to try something new. 
  14. Are you looking for something that can be therapeutic for you? If so, think about cleaning up your room. Cleaning can be therapeutic for many people. If your room is dirty, try to clean it up. If you make more room in your home, this could help you handle your stress.
  15. Are you someone who is a fan of french fries? If so, go to a local restaurant, get some french fries, and try a few seasonings. You probably have a few spices in your cabinet that you haven't used in a while.
simple pleasures to try | simple pleasures definition | simple pleasures list
  1. Are you looking for a way to switch up your showers just a little bit? If so, sing in the shower as loud as you can. You can even put your favorite music on in the background. This is a great way to deal with your stress. 
  2. Do you have children? If so, take them to a local park. Sit on the bench and watch them play. This is a great way for you to reflect on the things that are truly important in your life. Spend some quality time with your children.
  3. Are you someone who likes to cook? If so, think about making a homemade pie. There are lots of directions you can go with this. You can choose an apple pie, blueberry pie, or even a strawberry pie. You might even be able to try a few different flavors in the same pie.
  4. Do you need to get away from your stresses just a bit? If so, think about taking a hike in the nearby area. How many nature trails are in your area? When was the last time you actually experienced them? Go for a nature hike.
  5. When you look up at the sky? Is it relatively clear? If so, this may be a great evening to lay underneath the stars. That way, you can try to spot some constellations and truly understand what matters in the world. If there is a lot of light pollution in your area, you may need to drive a few miles away from the city.
  6. Do you live on the beach? If so, think about making a sandcastle. This is a great way to experience unique texture against the surface of your skin. You can even make a giant sandcastle with multiple layers if you have the right beach equipment to do so. 
  7. Are you of age to drink? If so, consider going to a local Brewery. There are breweries popping up all over the place. There might be one in your area as well. Get a few friends together and have a few beers. This is a great way to laugh, joke, and catch up. 
  8. Are you feeling sleep deprived? If so, then you may need to take an afternoon nap. Don't worry, you have earned it. Take pleasure in a few extra hours of sleep.
  9. Breakfast in bed is absolutely amazing. Have you ever given this a try? If you haven’t, it may be time to do exactly that. What is your favorite meal? Think about cooking that for you and your significant other. 
  10. Are you someone who likes to go to the beach? If so, take a few minutes and listen to the sound of the waves rolling in. There is nothing quite like it. Lay in the sand, close your eyes, feel the sun against your face, and listen to the water come in. Just be careful about the time, as you don't want to take your personal belongings away!
  11. When was the last time you got a massage? Maybe you have never done this before. If you haven't, then it's time to get one. Take a look at a few of the local massage parlors in your area. Think about signing up for a massage. This could be something you can do with your significant other as well. (Don't feel like going out? Check out our favorite neck and shoulder massagers!)
  12. Are your feet sore? There is an easy way you can address this. Find a carpet in your home. Take off your socks. Then, try to ball up your feet against the carpet. The sensation you will feel can instantly rejuvenate you. Don't hesitate to give this a try! 
  13. Are you paying off your student loans? If you have student loans, this may be difficult to put in the proper perspective; however, take a look at your current student loan balance. How much did you owe several years ago? It can bring you significant pleasure to think about how quickly your student loan debt is shrinking.
  14. Is it windy outside? If it's nice outside, think about going outside and just feeling the wind on your face. This is a way for you to truly let yourself know that you are still alive. 
  15. Are you someone who is trying to get in better shape? If so, pause for a few minutes at the end of your workout. Appreciate the endorphin rush you feel when you are finished. This is how you know that your exercise is working well for you. 
  16. Do you have a set of bubbles in your house? If not, the good news is that they are not that expensive. You can probably find them at the local Dollar Store. Get a set of bubbles and just blow them for a few minutes. 
  17. Is there a thunderstorm coming your way in the near future? If so, then get ready to cuddle with your significant other. This is a great way to spend some quality time with your loved one. 
  18. Have you been to the movies recently? If they are open in your area, there may be a good movie on the list. Why not get a few friends together and go catch a film on the big screen? It has probably been a while since you did that.
  19. Do your kids play sports? If so, make sure you do not miss their next sporting event. This is an opportunity for you to sit back, appreciate what you have done, and watch your kids compete. 
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  1. Have you cleaned out your desk recently? There is a chance that your desk is still pretty dirty. If that is the case, it is time to pay close attention to it. Open the drawers, throughout anything that is not necessary, and take a look at how clean your desk looks when you are finished.
  2. Have you been to the local park recently? Have you jumped on a swing set recently? If not, the good news is you probably still remember how to swing on a swing set. Get on a swing, swing back and forth, and appreciate the outdoors. 
  3. Have you had a bowl of popcorn recently? If this is a snack you like, it is time to make some. Furthermore, there are plenty of toppings that you can try as well. Whether you like cheese, movie popcorn salt, or some fresh butter, pop some popcorn! 
  4. When was the last time you had Strawberry Shortcake? Doesn't this sound delicious right now? If so, it doesn't cost that much to make strawberry shortcake, so head out to the grocery store! You know what you're eating for dessert tonight.
  5. Are you someone who loves animals? If so, see if there is a local zoo in your area. Pay a visit and take a look at the animals that are out right now. When you see just how happy animals are in their natural habitat, you will be able to put everything else in the proper perspective. 
  6. How many emails do you have in your inbox right now? There is a chance that this is stressing you out. Therefore, consider going through your email as quickly as possible. Try to get that inbox down to zero. If you can, this could be a pleasure you can enjoy. 
  7. Do you have unused sick days at work? If so, it may be time to take a mental health day. You have been working hard recently. There is a lot going on in your life. Take a mental health day, sit back, and relax. 
  8. When was the last time you went for a picnic? There is probably plenty of room at the local park. Pull out a basket, throw a few items together, and spend some time with a friend or family member underneath the Sun. A picnic is a great way to spend some quality time with each other. 
  9. Have you been to the swimming pool recently? If the weather is warming up in your area, it may be time to go to the local pool. Furthermore, try to go at night! This is a unique experience that just about everyone will enjoy. 
  10. Do you live in an area where there is plenty of snow? If so, see if there is fresh snow on the ground. Then, spend some time walking through it. You might even want to build a snowman. Get in touch with the fresh powder. This is a great way to appreciate everything that is happening around you.
  11. Are you someone who loves sports? If so, put the next sporting event center calendar. Then, see if you can get a few friends together to watch the big game. This is a great way to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. Even though we often take sports for granted, they may not always be there. 
  12. Do you have a long list of things to do? If so, pick one thing, do it, and then cross it off. As you do so, think about how good it feels to cross something off your to-do list. This will instantly make you feel a lot better about everything else you have to do during the course of the day.
funny simple pleasures | simple pleasures of life | simple pleasure at home
Journaling your thoughts can be a great way to release your feelings yet keep them discreet as you work through some of life's most complicated issues.    
  1. It has probably been a long time since you took a bath. Even though you may be an adult, you have certainly earned the right to take a bath. Put on some music, fill up the tub, and get him. This is a great way for you to melt your stress away. 
  2. When was the last time you actually did something crazy? When was the last time you did something spontaneous? If it has been a while, it is time to do exactly that. Get a few friends together and do something on impulse. Of course, it shouldn't be something illegal, but do not hesitate to act crazy in public. 
  3. What is your favorite type of candy? Now, go out and get it. Even though this isn't something you should do regularly, it is a great way for you to alleviate your stress. There is nothing like sitting down and eating a delicious candy bar. Do not hesitate to give it a try.
  4. Have you played footsie with someone recently? Even though this may sound childish, this is a great way for you to put a smile on the face of others. Who do you think would be willing to play footsie with you? Why not give it a try?
  5. When was the last time you truly laid back and took a look at the clouds? There is a good chance it has been a while. Therefore, go out to your yard, lay on your back, and take a look at the clouds as they roll by. You may even find a cloud that looks like an interesting shape. 
  6. When was the last time you truly made someone smile? There is nothing quite like the feeling of happiness as seeing someone else smile at something you said or did. The good news is that there are plenty of ways you can make someone smile. You can tell a good joke. You can tell a funny story. Or, you can simply hold the door for them. If you are able to make someone smile, you will instantly improve your own day as well. Find a way to make someone else smile today. 
  7. Do you enjoy family time?  Break out the board games and playing cards.  This is an excellent way to unite everyone and share laughs and togetherness for hours.
  8. Need to stretch your legs.  Go for a brisk bike ride.  Stroll over to your local park or down to your favorite waterfront area.  Take in the open road's sounds, sights, and smells as you cruise.
  9. Do you love the beauty and aroma of a fresh flower garden?  If so, plant your own flower garden and create an exotic space where you and others can enjoy its beauty.
  10. You want to get away and clear your head?  Go to a basketball court and shoot baskets.  I have pondered many of life's circumstances and found great peace while getting lost in a solo basketball game. 
  11. Do you wish to talk to someone who’ll always there for you?  If you are spiritual or want to be, prayer is an excellent solution.  The Heavenly Father is always there to give a listening ear to those who need Him and rewards those who seek Him diligently.  He is found by all who seek Him.
  12. Are you creative or have creative hobbies?  If so, doodling, crafting, and painting will bring you great pleasure.  You will get lost in creating beautiful pieces of art.  It can relax you for hours.
  13. You've been working hard on a hot summer day.  Few things are more refreshing than sitting down and drinking a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade.  Ahh.
  14. Have your days at the office been stressful?  Try squeezing a stress ball to relieve your anxieties and calm your nerves.
  15. Do you ever have those days where you feel sluggish and can’t seem to snap out of it?  Splashing cold water on your face can not only help you but revitalize you as well.
  16. So you love the swimming pool, right?  Try putting a pool noodle under each arm and “Hanging Out” in the deep end of your pool from a horizontal position.  It will relax your body from head to toe.
  17. Sometimes, there are beautiful yet simple things around us that can easily keep us entertained?  Try gazing out of the windows of your home.    Look at the beauty around your community as the children run and play (if they still do that in your neighborhood).  Watch the squirrels run and play and the birds build their nests. 
  18. People watching out in public can be more eventful than watching your favorite TV show.  Go to your local mall or Wal-Mart, sit on a bench, and watch the people as they go by.  This simple pleasure can be engaging and interactive when you run into someone you haven't seen in some time.
  19. When your heart is heavy, and you have a lot on your mind, journaling your thoughts can be a great way to release your feelings yet keep them discreet as you work through some of life's most complicated issues.    
  20. As an introvert, when you’re in a public place like a doctor’s office or in a crowded breakroom at work, playing a game of solitaire, pool, or some other game on your phone can be a great escape.
  21. Do you need a hug?  Chances are you have a furry friend (pet) nearby who would enjoy cuddling with you and showing some unconditional love.  A husband with a long beard will work too.
interesting simple pleasures | simple pleasures of life | simple pleasures at home
Painting will bring you great pleasure. You will get lost in creating beautiful pieces of art.  It can relax you for hours.
  1. Some of the best and funniest discussions can be had through texting with your best friends.  Send them hilarious memes to break the ice and carry a conversation of meme responses throughout the day.   
  2. Turn your dreams into reality by planning for your summer or Christmas vacations.  This will give you great excitement for the days ahead. 
  3. Since I was a kid, I have always enjoyed myself by chewing some sweet sugary bubble gum and blowing the biggest bubbles possible. 
  4. If you love to shop, going thrift store shopping can give you pep in your step.  It’s like a scavenger hunt to find priceless antiques and other cute finds for cheap.
  5. Saying “Yes” to everyone and people-pleasing can be stressful.  So, practice using the word “NO.”  You'll be so relieved when you get into the habit of it.  

These are a few of the top pleasures you can think about incorporating into your day. Even though these aren't necessarily grand, extravagant things, they are a way to make your day just a little bit easier to bear. 

Final Thoughts on Simple Pleasures

In the end, everyone has a slightly different way of defining simple pleasures. It is important for you to focus on these simple pleasures that are best for you.

If you are able to focus on the simple pleasures you have in your life, you will be able to remain positive even in the face of adversity. Furthermore, you will also have an opportunity to pursue happiness in its purest form. So if you want to add a little happiness to your life, then review this list and pick a few of the simple pleasures that we just talked about.

And if you're looking for other mood-boosting ideas, here are 43 quick ways to make yourself happy.

And if you're looking for more tips on how to become a happier person, check out these blog posts:

simple pleasures | simple pleasures meaning | simple pleasures quotes
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