Grateful vs Thankful: What is the Difference?

grateful vs thankful | grateful vs thankful bible | are you thankful or are you grateful

Are you like me in the sense that you’ve wondered what the difference is between being grateful and thankful? The two words are often used interchangeably when people express their gratitude. However, although they’re considered synonyms for showing your appreciation for something or someone, there is a difference between these two words. Today, we’ll explore … Read more

11 Things To Do When Your Life Sucks

life sucks | my life blows | why is my life so bad

There’s a good chance that at one point or another, you’ve found yourself muttering, “Life sucks” under your breath. Maybe your boss gave you an overwhelming assignment when they noticed “you haven’t been busy lately.” Or maybe you said it out loud in your car when you couldn’t find a parking spot closer than two … Read more