63 Fun Ice Breaker Questions & Conversation Starters for Teens

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Spending time with a teenager can be an interesting situation and a learning curve for you both. Either they are Chatty Cathy's where they can't help but talk about everything (and anything), or they are as quiet as a mouse.

A friend of mine had to chaperone a group of teens to a Comic Con close by, and she was concerned about the drive there, as these teens were all so different (and so shy). They seemed to have nothing in common (except for Comic Con).

That's when I had the brilliant idea that she should take a list of fun icebreakers for teens on the trip. It would be the perfect opportunity to encourage the teens to build good relationships with one another.

By the end of Comic Con, the teens had built some lovely relationships and had a great time. My friend informed me that the ice breakers for teens were an absolute hit among the teens, and the whole atmosphere changed as they started asking and answering questions.

Are you a teacher to a group of teens, and do you know how to get them to open up and be more comfortable around one another? Well, you aren't alone. These 63 fun icebreaker questions and conversation starters for teens are the perfect solutions.

Even better, the questions have been categorized so you can easily access questions for every type of teen.

So let's break the ice by first diving into what exactly an icebreaker question and conversation starter are, and why teens would benefit from them.

What Are Icebreaker Questions and Conversation Starters?

Not everyone is blessed with the gift of the gab (the ability to speak easily without hesitation), and some people just find it harder to get a conversation going (and that's totally okay). The beauty of icebreaker questions and conversation starters is that they give you the tools and prompts to get a convo going.

Using icebreaker questions and conversation starters could mean the difference between everyone sitting in awkward silence or starting a meaningful and guided conversation. These types of questions make people feel comfortable and not pressured to answer serious questions on the spot.

It's especially effective in situations where people don't know one another, and it serves to ease that tension. How do you feel when faced with new people and having no idea how to start the conversation? It's uncomfortable and leaves you feeling unsure of yourself.

These types of questions and conversation starters will help you initiate a good conversation without getting too personal too quickly. Plus, they are pretty standard and shouldn't cause the other person to overthink their answers. The idea is to be spontaneous and relaxed.

Icebreakers are a great way to get to know another person. These questions “break the ice” and help people build relationships and hopefully initiate a return question. A fun icebreaker question will force a person into the limelight briefly, but it's so worth it.

Conversation starters and icebreakers also reveal common interests that you might not have known you shared with other people. Maybe someone will talk about something you're passionate about, and you can join in without feeling silly.

There is a slight difference between icebreakers and conversation starters. Icebreakers are questions that break the tension and make people feel comfortable (especially when meeting people for the first time). 

Conversation starters, on the other hand, are specific questions that get people to talk about certain topics and initiate and build up further conversations.

Why Use Icebreakers for Teens?

Our teenage years are probably some of our most awkward and overwhelming years. Sure, toddlers go through the whole dealing with the “big feelings” phase. Still, as we march toward adolescence (transition from a child to an adult), those big feelings become more erratic and emotional as the body deals with a rush of hormones thanks to puberty.

With all this comes a time of self-reflection, self-doubt, self-consciousness, and overall awkwardness (picture a caterpillar emerging from a cocoon as a butterfly – it's not the most graceful or easy process).

This is why icebreakers for teens work so well. Teenagers are trying to figure it all out and also on a path to self-discovery. Providing them with icebreakers is a fabulous way to cut through that awkward feeling and shyness and encourage them to build good relationships.

An icebreaker question isn't asked to judge or pick a person apart based on their answer. It's a way to start a conversation and initiate healthy social interactions. Icebreakers for teens are excellent to use at the beginning of a school year as a way to introduce the teens to one another. 

Remember to keep the icebreakers short, as long-winded questions might cause a teen to freeze as they're unsure how to answer. The other benefit is that it teaches the other teens to practice mindful listening while one teen answers the question.

The icebreakers may even bring teenagers with similar likes and interests together, which is something that wouldn't have happened if they didn't have an icebreaker session (or two).

63 Fun Icebreakers for Teens

There is an icebreaker for every type of teen on this list. 

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go and break some ice with these 63 fun icebreakers for teens:

Questions for the Shy Teen

1. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?

2. Do you have any siblings, and how old are they?

3. Do you like to read? What’s on your current TBR (To Be Read) list right now?

4. Do you play a musical instrument?

5. When it comes to club events at school, which ones are your favorites?

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Conversation starters and icebreakers also reveal common interests that you might not have known you shared with other people.

6. Out of all your school subjects, which is your favorite and why?

7. Are you an animal person, and do you have any pets?

8. What do you like to do on the weekends?

9. If you could be anyone or anything for today, what would that be?

10. What does happiness look like to you?

Questions for the Outgoing Teen

11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

12. What would you do if you could be president for a day?

13. Would you say you are an introvert or an extrovert, and why?

14. If your life was a music video, what would your song be?

15. How would your friends describe you?

16. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

17. What would you say is your strongest quality?

18. On a scale of 1 to 10, how popular are you?

19. What is your biggest weakness?

20. What helps you de-stress after a busy day?

Questions for the Sporty Teen

21. What does it feel like out there on the sports field?

22. Do you see yourself as a strong team player?

23. Which sport is your favorite, and why?

24. Do you see yourself playing sports into your adult years?

25. What is the most important part of playing as a team?

26. “You’re only as strong as your weakest link.” Do you agree with this statement, and why/why not?

27. Do you prefer school or sports? Why?

28. Why do you think it’s important to play a sport?

29. Is there anything you’d like to improve on when it comes to playing sports?

30. What advice would you give your younger self?

Questions for the Artsy Teen

31. Out of all the art mediums you’ve tried, which one is your favorite?

32. What is your favorite indie film?

33. How did you feel about Taylor Swift’s newest album?

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Teenagers are trying to figure it all out and also on a path to self-discovery.

34. What would the storyline be if you could direct your own film?

35. What inspires you to do art?

36. Where do you find the courage to act in front of an audience?

37. What would the ultimate party look like to you?

38. What was the last artsy thing you did or made?

39. Do you prefer to do art alone or in a group?

40. When it comes to your art style, who is your inspiration, and how would you rate your art?

Random Questions for Teens

41. What is your honest opinion on instant pudding, and which flavor is your favorite?

42. Are you a Stranger Things fan? Who is your favorite character?

43. On a scale of 1 to 10, how disciplined would you say you are?

44. What’s it like being a teen in [add the current year]? Any specific challenges?

45. What was the last series you binge-watched on Netflix, Disney +, or Hulu (or any other streaming service)?

46. If you could have three wishes right now, what would you wish for?

47. Do you enjoy the outdoors?

48. What advice would you give to the president?

49. What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

50. Are you a vision board kind of person?

51. If you could pick one superpower, what would it be and why?

Questions for the Gamer Teen

52. Do you enjoy first-person or third-person games, and why?

53. What was the first game you ever played?

54. Are you a Fortnite fan? Which character is your favorite?

55. Have you ever played Wii?

56. Do you only play games on Xbox or PlayStation?

57. Out of all the games you have played, which one is your favorite and why?

58. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the latest mobile games?

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Icebreakers for teens are excellent to use at the beginning of a school year as a way to introduce the teens to one another. 

59. What game would you recommend to a first-time gamer, and why?

60. Some people say that Minecraft was the best game ever created. Do you agree with this statement?

61. Could you see yourself making a career out of gaming?

62. Have you ever played the Harry Potter games? Were you a Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor?

63. What is your favorite game-inspired movie? Do you think the directors stayed true to the game?

Final Thoughts on Icebreakers for Teens 

Asking teens these icebreaker questions is a wonderful way to bring them out of their shells and teach them to connect with their fellow teens and peers. By asking these questions, you give them a chance to feel included in conversations they would have initially shied away from.

The answers to these questions will also provide insight into the teen's life so that parents, teachers, other students, and therapists can get to know and understand them better. Plus, this is a fun and relaxed way to do it.

So if you want a teen to feel included, ask them some icebreaker questions and get to know them on a whole other level. If you enjoyed reading this guide and would like some questions for a younger (or older) audience, we've got you covered with 101 icebreaker questions for kids and the ever-popular this or that fun questions for adults.

And if you want more interesting questions to ask, be sure to check out these blog posts:

ice breakers for teens | ice breakers for young adults | ice breaker games for high schoolers
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