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Since childhood, I remember getting praise for my art, intellect, and my smile. While I still love compliments, they felt extra special in childhood and adolescence. Getting praise from adults for my artwork encouraged me to pursue my dreams further.
Every time my art teachers, mother, or anyone else praised or gave constructive art feedback, it nurtured my creative juices.
Like many other kids and teens, I suffered harsh words from peers at times. So, when compliments came from adults, it always made me feel better and filled me up in areas where my peers deflated me. The reality is the harshness of the world does not start in adulthood.
Children will feel stings and arrows of insecurity or meanness from others. Luckily, positive words can help balance the negativity out to build up a confident child.
Why Are Compliments for Kids Important?
Compliments are important for kids because they help build self-esteem, confidence, and a positive outlook. When we give compliments to kids, we are reinforcing all the good qualities they possess.
Childhood is a time when kids deal with a lot of new emotions, experiences, and changes. They are growing and learning at an amazing pace and are figuring out who they are. All of this can be overwhelming for kids, which is why it’s important to give them compliments.
Compliments remind them that they are valuable members of society. As kids grow into adolescence, they may face pushback and taunting from their peers. So, it is important to give your kids as much positive reinforcement as possible.
And, let’s face it, kids can use all the positive reinforcement they can get!
Benefits of complimenting kids include:
Tips For Complimenting Kids
When you give kids compliments, be specific and sincere. Avoid giving superficial compliments or praising them for things they can’t control, such as their looks.
Also, avoid using terms like “good job” or “great job” too often. These phrases can become meaningless if they are used all the time. Instead, focus on the effort that your child put into something or the positive qualities they displayed.
Let's look at some specific examples that may help guide you in praising a child.
103 Compliments for Kids That Will Lift Their Spirits
1. It’s so helpful when you put your dishes in the sink. You do a good job of helping to keep things clean.
2. You have such a pleasant way of talking to people.
3. You’re always so well mannered. No wonder the other parents give me compliments about you.
4. You have such a pleasant way of talking to people.
5. You always think of others and put their feelings first.
6. You have a beautiful smile that just lights up a room. No wonder everyone loves being around you.
7. You are so intelligent and always asking such great questions. I see why you do well in school.
8. You have a fantastic memory! I guess that is why you do so well in school.
9. I've noticed you always do your homework early. You're such a responsible student.
10. Thank you for being such a thoughtful older sibling. You always make sure they are safe and don't get into trouble.
11. I love how you never give up. I know you had a hard time learning a new language and I can hear how well you speak it now.
12. Not giving up and persevering through challenges are your best traits
13. I love how you always say please and thank you.
14. Thank you for always helping your grandparents and other older relatives.
15. You are such a natural leader. I can tell that people look up to you and respect you.
16. I can tell that you're a deep thinker at such a young age. You always have something interesting to say.
17. You have such a great imagination! The stories you tell are so creative.
18. You're always so helpful around the house. I appreciate how you help with the chores.
19. You always do your best and I can tell that you're working hard. Your grades continue to improve.
20. You're such a hard worker! I can tell that you're going to be successful in anything you set your mind to.
21. I am impressed with your report card. Your studying and discipline have paid off.
22. I enjoy all your drawings. Seeing your creativity makes me happy.
23. I can always count on you to make me laugh. You have a great sense of humor.
24. You're always so cheerful and upbeat. You make everyone around you happy.
25. Thank you for being such a great child. You are so respectful of everyone. You are even kind to other children.
26. Your behavior has been impeccable lately. You are setting a great example for your younger sibling.
27. I know you don't like broccoli, but I appreciate how you tried it anyway. You have such a great attitude about trying new things.
28. I love your homemade cards. Your cards make the holidays even more special.
29. You're always willing to help out. I really appreciate how you offer to help me with the grocery bags.
30.If you keep up these good eating habits, you will be a very healthy adult!
31. You have such a pleasant way of talking to people. You are already a good people person.
32. Thanks for being so well behaved in public. I enjoy taking you places with me.
33. You are already such a thoughtful friend. It was sweet of you to help your friends with their homework.
34. You're always so cheerful and upbeat. You make everyone around you happy.
35. Thanks for being such a great role model to your younger sibling. They look up to you so much.
36. I know it's hard to share, but I appreciate how you share your toys with your friends.
37. You always do your best and I can tell that you're working hard. Your grades continue to improve.
38. You're such a hard worker! I can tell that you're going to be successful in anything you set your mind to.
39. You're always so helpful around the house. I am glad you understand how important it is to keep a home tidy.
40. I know you don't like doing chores, but I appreciate how you help out without me having to ask.
41. Thank you for helping to teach your little siblings what you know.
42. It was very sweet of you to give your teacher a present on her birthday. That gesture shows how much you appreciate her and what she teaches you.
43. I am impressed by how many books you read! If you keep reading this much you will be a walking library.
44. I am so proud that you are always ready on time for school. I never have to work hard to get you out of bed.
45. You are so good with animals. Thank you for doing so much to help care for the dog.
46. Thank you for always eating all your vegetables. If you keep this up, you will be a healthy and strong adult.
47. You are already such a good reader! In a few years, you will be reading college-level books.
48. You always have something interesting to say. I can tell you read a lot and pay attention to the world around you.
49. I love hearing about the different things you are interested in. You have a very curious mind.
50. I know it can be hard to sit still, but I appreciate how you are trying to pay attention in class.
51. You always have such kind things to say about other people. I can tell you have a good heart.
52. Thank you for being patient with your younger siblings. They look up to you and learn a lot from you.
53. I know you don't always like school, but I appreciate how hard you are trying. Your grades have been improving.
54. You are such a fast runner! I can tell you practice a lot, and it has really paid off.
55. You are already an excellent soccer player! If you keep practicing, you will be on the school team in no time.
56. You are such a creative artist! I can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into your paintings.
57. You have real musical talent. I can tell you spend a lot of time practicing your instrument. You are starting to sound professional.
58. I can tell you really enjoy dancing. You have so much energy and enthusiasm when you dance. I could watch you dance all day!
59. You are always so willing to try new things. You are turning into a very well-rounded person.
60. I am lucky to have you as a student. You are always willing to help other students and work hard in class.
61. I know you don't like giving speeches, but I was impressed by how well you did in front of the class. You have come a long way.
62. I wish I could do all that you are doing when I was your age. I can't wait to see what type of adult you become.
63. You are such a natural leader. I love how you get along well with other kids and work to solve problems.
64. It is so refreshing to see a young person with such politeness. You are always using your manners and it is appreciated.
65. I can tell you are a truth-teller. You have a very strong character and I admire that about you.
66. You always think of others before yourself. I can tell you will make a great parent one day.
67. If you keep up the hard work and nurture your talents, you will have many options after high school.
68. I love seeing how active you are. You are always reading, writing, or helping someone. You never seem to stop moving.
69. You always have a smile on your face, no matter what the situation is. Your delightful personality draws people to you.
70. I know you are worried about your future, but I have no doubt that you will be successful in whatever you choose to do. You have a good combination of hard work, talent, and personality.
71. You amaze me with how much you can get done in a day.
72. You always think so logically for such a young person. I can tell you will be a great scientist or mathematician one day.
73. You always look on the bright side of things. You have such an optimistic outlook on life.
74. I may be the parent, but I continue to learn things from you. You have such a different perspective on things.
75. I love spending time with you because you always make me laugh.
76. Students like you make me glad to be a teacher. Seeing you succeed and grow is one of the best parts of my job.
77. You should be very proud of yourself. You have accomplished so much this year.
78. I know you are disappointed with your test score, but I am proud of how hard you worked. You studied a lot, and you should be proud of that.
79. You are such a talented writer. I can't put your writing down when I start reading it.
80. You are an incredible musician. I can tell you have a lot of passion for music.
81. I don't know anyone who can make me laugh as much as you do. You are such a hilarious kid. I see why the other kids like playing with you.
82. You are a very brave person. I know it wasn't easy for you to stand up in front of the class and give that speech, but you did it!
83. You have a very kind heart. You are always helping others and thinking of them before yourself.
84. I know you get frustrated sometimes, but I admire how patient you are with the younger kids.
85. I can tell you are a natural-born leader. I notice your teachers praise you for being a good role model for the other kids.
86. Animals are drawn to you. This means you are a very compassionate person and animals sense that.
87. I love how curious you are. You always have so many questions and you're not afraid to ask them. Don't let go of your curiosity as you get older.
88. You're such a good friend. I know the other kids can always count on you to be there for them.
89. You have a very pleasant voice. I can tell you would make a great radio announcer one day.
90. I like how you listen attentively. You show good respect at an early age and others see that.
91. You're such a good example to others. Even at your young age, you know how to act and behave in public.
92. You're already so independent. You can do so much more than I could at your age.
93. I love how you always show such good manners. You say please and thank you without being prompted.
94. Thank you for cleaning your room without me asking. Cleanliness is important and you already know that.
95. You set a very good example for your younger siblings. They look up to you and learn from you.
96. You're very helpful around the house. I know I can always count on you to help with the chores.
97. I love how you congratulated the winning team. You displayed great sportsmanship today.
98. You always think of others before yourself. I know you gave up your last piece of candy to your friend.
99. It's so nice to see you include everyone in your games. No one feels left out when they're around you.
100. You always think of creative solutions to problems. I know you came up with a great plan to get the cat out of the tree.
101. You're such a team player. I know you always help out your friends and classmates.
102. I like how you are eager to try new things. I know you were the first one to try the new food at lunch today.
103. Thanks for reading to your younger siblings. They learn so much from you.
Final Thoughts About Giving Compliments to Kids
It is vital to remember that kids need realistic and tangible positive feedback to encourage and inspire them. They are still growing and exploring their talents, so they need our help to guide them in the right direction.
A sincere and thoughtful compliment can go a long way in building a child's self-esteem and self-confidence. So, the next time you see a kid doing something great, don't hesitate to give them a compliment!
They will remember it way into adulthood – trust me! If you want more ideas for giving praise to the little ones, check out 103 Positive Words of Encouragement for Preschoolers & Young Kids.