15 Printable Coloring Pages for Anxiety Reduction

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Did you know that coloring can be an effective therapy to reduce stress and anxiety?

Coloring is considered a healthy pastime, not just among kids, but also adults. Experts claim that it can significantly help people with anxiety to stay calm and maintain their composure. It works just like meditation, making it easier for them to relax and be at peace.

That is why we are sharing printable coloring pages for anxiety in today’s post. If you want to give this activity a try, choose from the designs below and get started.

Let’s check them out!

1. Mistakes Don’t Define You

Anxiety makes us feel insecure. We tend to think that people judge us by looking at the way we perform actions and express our feelings. This makes us feel like less of a person whenever we make mistakes.

It is important to remember that our mistakes and failures do not define who we are. Our shortcomings can make us stronger and braver, rather than weaker and more fearful.

2. Let Go of What You Can’t Control

There are times when anxiety creeps in because of the thoughts of “what could have been.” You blame yourself for the result of things that could have been done better, if only you were better. You feel like everything is your fault because you were not able to control the situation.

It is important to remember that you are human—you get tired and make mistakes, and there are things that are beyond your control. You do your best, but if something is not within your power to control, you have to let it go.

3. I Can Handle This!

This is a very simple yet elegant depiction of a calming statement from Moms and Crafters. People with anxiety tend to lose their self-esteem, so statements like “I can handle this” can help them gain a bit more confidence. Help yourself a little and believe in the things that you can do.

4. It Will All Work Out in the End

Sometimes all you need is an assurance that it will all work out well in the end. You may be feeling anxious and uneasy right now—you may be having doubts with regard to your strength and capabilities—but know that someday everything will fall into its proper place. It is just a matter of timing.

5. Small Steps Everyday

Don’t rush things just because you feel like there is a need to accomplish things immediately. Anxiety sometimes influences us to do things with urgency, when instead we should slow down and let things develop gradually.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as you are doing it right. Take baby steps—don’t let anyone is rushing you.

6. Mental Health Matters

We picked this coloring page because we care about you and your mental health. It is never wrong to admit that you are feeling mentally drained and unhealthy. We are all humans, and sometimes we feel exhausted, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally.

7. I Can and I Will

No matter how cliché the message in this illustration may sound, it is quite effective. You can only reach great heights if you abandon your fears and anxieties. We know it can be hard, but we also know that you can do it, no matter what it takes.

8. See the Light in the Darkest Moments

One of the best ways to reduce your anxiety is by maintaining your focus. Things tend to get hazy whenever you lose your concentration, and you begin to panic instead of finding a solution. You get ahead of the situation and enter a state of frenzy, all because you can’t stop worrying about the consequences of your actions.

Panicking is never the solution to your problem, and doesn’t result in anything good. Instead of fretting, keep your composure and carefully think of ways to solve your problem.

9. It’s OK Not to Be OK

It is important to know that your feelings are valid, and it is perfectly okay to feel that you are not okay. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are tired, unhappy, and burdened.

Hopefully you will realize that the first step toward overcoming your fears and anxieties is admitting and validating your thoughts and emotions.

10. Find Peace in Your Heart

Here is a coloring page that bears a verse from the book of Colossians in the Bible. It talks about inner peace and how you should seek God and place him in your heart so that you can find the serenity you have always been looking for.

As someone suffering from stress or anxiety, surrendering your thoughts and feelings to God could be a great way to reduce your fears and worries.

11. Breathe, Love

When you feel like everything is just too much to bear, the fastest and easiest way to deal with it is to breathe. Breathing helps reduce stress and anxiety by relaxing your muscles and giving you space to clear your mind.

It is one of the key practices in meditation that is best known to alleviate panic and restlessness.

12. Happy Mind, Happy Life

Here’s another concept that can help you reduce your anxiety and fears—happy mind, happy life. If you fill your mind with happy thoughts, it will be a lot easier for you to become genuinely happy.

13. Keep it Simple

Anxiety often comes from the things that overwhelm us. We tend to live lavishly and forget to appreciate life for what it really is. Problems arise when we think we need more even though we actually already have enough.

To get rid of all this fear and restlessness, try living simply. Eliminate the things that do not matter, and only focus on those that bring you joy.

14. You Are Stronger!

One way to manifest positive change is to envision that you are far better and stronger than your anxieties and fears. This may not instantly boost your self-esteem, but it could have a profound, long-term effect.

15. World of Fun

This coloring page doesn’t include any quotes, but it can still help you with your anxiety. Therapists agree that the more intricate a design is, the more it can be effective in improving your mood and relieving your stress and fears.

Final Words on Coloring Pages for Anxiety

You probably noticed that most of the coloring sheets we picked today have anxiety quotes on them. This is because we believe that words of love and care can be as powerful as many other forms of therapy when dealing with anxiety.

We hope that, through the pages shared above, we were able to help you find a better and more enjoyable way of reducing your doubts and fears.

And if you're looking for more coloring pages, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you want a simple way to reduce your stress and anxiety, then try writing these 35 mindfulness journaling prompts to live more in the present moment.

coloring pages for anxiety | printable coloring pages for anxiety | coloring pages for adults
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