100 Positive Affirmations to Recover from an Addiction

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Overcoming addiction requires breaking thought patterns that have been in place for a long time. The words we use to describe ourselves, our goals, and even the things that have happened to us have a lot of power. They color how we see ourselves.

Mindfulness meditation can help change negative perceptions. By focusing on the positive, we remember that we are headed in the right direction no matter the situation. In addition, engaging in positive thoughts guards against the potential of relapse, and learning positive affirmations for addiction recovery can aid in your recovery.

What Are Positive Affirmations for Addiction Recovery?

Psychologists believe that words create filters through which we view the world around us. Words do not change reality, but they influence how we perceive it. By creating a positive belief and reinforcing it over time, you can alter how you see the world and your place in it. A more optimistic outlook on life can replace negative thought patterns.

Positive affirmations are not merely wishful thinking; they are practical and powerful statements. Addiction can undermine self-confidence and cause anxiety and depression. When hit with these negative emotions, one might be tempted to turn back to harmful behavior. A positive affirmation repeated when feeling down can help overcome these urges. These statements can help you start taking control of your thoughts and emotions.

Behavior is closely linked to identity. It’s hard to change behavior without changing how you look at yourself. Affirmations for addiction recovery help create a positive belief system that gradually changes how one sees themselves. That change in identity then makes it easier to change old habits. For example, when dealing with addiction, the need to drink or use drugs becomes so deeply entrenched that it feels like it has always been there. Breaking that habit can be challenging. But when you start to believe that it can be done and you tell yourself that it is possible regularly, then things begin to change.

Choosing a Positive Affirmation for Addiction

A positive affirmation should be something that you can easily repeat daily. The repetition enables it to become a part of the thought process. Affirmations should inspire, motivate and reassure. Focusing on core values can help create statements that eventually change your way of thinking.

Take a few minutes to write what means most to you. Your affirmations for addiction recovery should originate from the words jotted down. What you deem to be important will constantly be on your mind. Focusing on what matters will motivate you to stay on track.

Affirmations should be short enough to be easily repeated. For example, a statement like “I am enough” is simple and something that you can tell yourself repeatedly when you feel you are in bad shape. You will also need some longer affirmations to reflect on in quiet moments of meditation.

100 Positive Affirmations for Addiction

It is not always easy to know how to get started, especially when trying something for the first time. Positive affirmations can be awkward at first, especially when spoken aloud. However, by practicing with the statements below, you will start to get a handle on this practice. Once you are familiar with self-affirmation, you can create your own mantras based on your goals and wishes.

Here are some positive affirmations for addiction recovery that can get you on your way.

  1. I am at peace with who I am.
  2. I will make someone smile today.
  3. I choose to let go of doubt.
  4. I am on a good path.
  5. I can do whatever I put my mind to.
  1. I am worthy of respect.
  2. I wake up each day with courage.
  3. I am manifesting my goals.
  4. I see the good in everything.
  5. I turn my dreams into goals.
  6. I am valued and appreciated.
  7. I decide what I become.
  8. I have the strength to keep going.
  9. I am creating the life I want for myself.
  10. I am strong and capable.
  11. Amazing things are coming my way.
Affirmations for Addiction - Amazing things are coming my way. | affirmations for overcoming addiction | affirmations for alcohol addiction | affirmations for sugar addiction
  1. I refuse to give up on myself.
  2. I can, and I will.
  3. I am changing my life.
  4. I like to share what I have.
  5. I am making good choices.
  6. I make mistakes, but I am not my mistakes.
  7. I express unconditional love daily.
  8. I have a strong spirit.
  9. I am stronger than my addiction.
  10. I am courageous.
  11. I am brave enough to face the future.
  12. My body is strong.
  13. I choose to live in the present.
  14. I decide how I feel.
  15. I like who I am.
  16. I am growing.
  17. I am becoming the best version of myself.

I am becoming the best version of myself.”

  1. I am loved unconditionally.
  2. I am a positive person.
  3. I attract blessings.
  4. I am worthy of love.
  5. I am capable and strong.
  6. Failure is a stepping stone.
  7. I am becoming successful.
  8. I dare to do this.
  9. Negative thoughts will not get me down.
  10. I am enough.
  11. I am getting better every day.
  12. Today I am brave.
  13. I am full of purpose.
  14. I overcome fear.
  15. I am good enough
  16. I have the courage to stand up for myself.
Affirmations for Addiction - I have the courage to stand up for myself. | affirmations for gambling addiction | affirmations for social media addiction | affirmations for love addiction
  1. My voice matters.
  2. I can do this.
  3. What I do today creates a better tomorrow.
  4. There is no challenge too big to handle.
  5. I believe in my talents.
  6. I am worthy of my biggest dreams.
  7. I am productive every day.
  8. I am connected to the abundance of the universe.
  9. I am open to opportunities.
  10. What I choose to do is enough.
  11. I am excited to live my life.
  12. Today is a good day.
  13. My life is a gift.
  14. I have the courage to say “no.”
  15. I will not give up.
  16. I know my worth.
  17. I express my strength and kindness.

I express my strength and kindness.”

  1. I nurture my soul.
  2. I am confident.
  3. I am proud of myself.
  4. I believe in myself.
  5. I inspire others.
  6. I deserve compassion.
  7. I have a good heart.
  8. I embrace my individuality.
  9. All I can do is my best.
  10. I deserve the things that come my way.
  11. I am in control of my life.
  12. I am becoming who I want to be.
Affirmations for Addiction - I am becoming who I want to be. | affirmations for phone addiction | positive affirmations for addiction recovery | positive affirmations for food addiction
  1. I can weather any storm.
  2. I create my reality.
  3. Good things happen to me.
  4. I will achieve whatever I put my mind to.
  5. I am worthy of inner peace.
  6. I know that I am fierce.
  7. I am better today than I was yesterday.
  8. I will achieve my goals.
  9. I deserve to achieve my goals.
  10. I will allow love into my life.
  11. Every day is a blessing.
  12. I have unlimited energy.
  13. Today is full of possibilities.
  14. I am worthy of affection.
  15. I am accepting of change.
  16. I am stronger every day.
Affirmations for Addiction - I am stronger every day. | positive affirmations for addiction recovery | positive affirmations for food addiction | positive affirmations for food addiction
  1. I choose myself.
  2. I accept myself completely.
  3. I can change my story.
  4. I can handle whatever comes my way.
  5. The world is a beautiful place.
  6. I am willing to work on myself.

How to Use Affirmations For Addiction Recovery

When you first start using positive affirmations, it might be hard to believe them. But they will begin to feel more real if you persevere. It is helpful to write the words down and post them in areas of the home where you are likely to see them regularly. Saying these statements out loud is another way to help them sink in.

Ultimately, the journey to sobriety is challenging, and it might seem like words don’t do all that much. But their effectiveness is backed by science. Studies have shown that positive affirmations trigger the parts of the brain responsible for happiness. They give us the same feeling as eating great food. Over time, these statements change the neural pathways in your brain.

I Can, I Will, I Am

Positive affirmations for addiction recovery can be great building blocks for your sobriety. Your thoughts and emotions shift away from the negative by speaking positive words into your life every day.

Addiction is a lifelong disease. Having tools in your arsenal to help you through the darkest of times will help you stay the course.

If you want to learn more about affirmations, read this six-step process for using them.

And if you want more encouraging affirmations, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you want a simple tool to record and recite these affirmations, then check out these 13 affirmations apps that help you create a positive mindset.

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