115 Self-Care Affirmations for a Positive Start to the Day

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Self-care is anything you do to take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is essential to your health and wellbeing.

Whatever your self-care routine is, adding affirmations for self-care is a great way to add the power of positive thinking to your activities. Affirmations for self-care improve your wellness and quality of life.

Why Affirmations for Self-Care are Important

More and more people are discovering the important benefits of self-care. Self-care has been shown to improve our physical health by reducing stress and improving the immune system, improve our mental health with improved mental focus and better sleep, and even improve relationships with more confidence and self-esteem.

While everyone has a unique approach to self-care, adding affirmations to a daily self-care regimen makes your self-care routine even more powerful and effective.

Self-care affirmations help you create a positive mindset that lasts throughout the day, continually caring for yourself on a deeper level.

115 Self-Care Affirmations for a Positive Start to the Day

  1. I take tender care of myself.
  2. I enjoy my body and take good care of it.
  3. I deserve the best care.
  4. I enjoy my mind and the way I think.
  5. Taking care of myself brings me health.
  6. I laugh with myself.
  7. I give myself permission to slack off.
  8. Taking care of myself makes me successful.
  9. I am the only self I have, so I’d best take good care of myself.
  10. I take the best care of myself.
  11. I take excellent care of myself.
  12. I care for myself with love, as I do for my child or my best friend.

I care for myself with love, as I do for my child or my best friend.”

  1. I like myself, so I care for myself.
  2. I will be kind to myself today.
  3. I deserve compassion.
  4. I’m smart enough to treat myself right.
  5. I give myself sympathy.
  6. Taking care of myself makes me successful.
  7. I speak positively and kindly to myself.
  8. I am calm and peaceful when I take good care of myself.
  9. I give myself permission to be ordinary.
  10. Taking care of myself is my first responsibility.
  11. I pat myself on the back.
  12. Taking care of myself brings me happiness.
Affirmations for Self Care - Taking care of myself brings me happiness. | daily affirmations about self care | self care affirmation cards | positive affirmations for anxiety and depression
  1. I make the right decisions for myself.
  2. I am what I need.
  3. Taking care of myself is wise.
  4. I make a difference in the world.
  5. Taking care of myself is loving.
  6. I give myself permission to fail.
  7. I’m stronger when I remember to take care of myself.
  8. Taking care of myself is rewarding.
  9. I listen to my thoughts and feelings.
  10. Taking good care of myself is easy.
  11. I give myself treats.
  12. I love myself, and I like myself too.
  13. When I’m kind to myself, it’s easy to be kind to others.

When I’m kind to myself, it’s easy to be kind to others. “

  1. I make good decisions in my life.
  2. I can rely on myself.
  3. I give myself time.
  4. I welcome and appreciate all of my emotions.
  5. I give myself healthful nutrition.
  6. I give myself permission to succeed.
  7. I am enough for myself.
  8. I have what I need.
  9. Taking care of myself brings me success.
  10. I deserve to treat myself well.
  11. I am able to take good care of myself.
  12. Taking care of myself makes me strong.
  13. Taking care of myself makes me smart.
  14. I make sure I get enough sleep.
  15. There is a good reason for my feelings, so I am patient with myself.
Affirmations for Self Care - There is a good reason for my feelings, so I am patient with myself. | self harm affirmations | effort affirmations | affirmations for self love and success
  1. I make sure I get enough water.
  2. If I fail, I don’t berate myself–just try again.
  3. I make sure I get enough exercise.
  4. I care for myself on good days and bad days.
  5. I make sure I get the right amount of healthful food.
  6. I am as kind to myself as I am to others.
  7. I notice when I’m comfortable and pay attention.
  8. I can get what I need.
  9. I can get what I want.
  10. I accept all my feelings, glad or sad.
  11. I appreciate myself.
  12. I enjoy myself.
  13. Taking care of myself makes me healthy.
  14. I appreciate my life.
  15. I notice the things that make me happy and do those things.

I notice the things that make me happy and do those things.”

  1. I am worth taking care of.
  2. I am worthy of being cared for.
  3. I deserve kindness.
  4. I give myself compassion.
  5. I accept myself just the way I am.
  6. I cheer myself on.
  7. I am my own best friend.
  8. I am lucky to be me.
  9. I believe in my own potential.
  10. I know my life is full of possibilities.
  11. I am interested in myself and my life.
  12. I am getting better and better.
  13. I am doing a fabulous job being me.
  14. I am happy to be me.
  15. I welcome and appreciate all my emotions.
Affirmations for Self Care - I welcome and appreciate all my emotions. | affirmations for self improvement | daily affirmations about self care | self care affirmation cards
  1. I do my best for myself.
  2. I give myself big hugs.
  3. I give myself rest.
  4. I am patient with myself.
  5. I notice when I do well and reward myself.
  6. It’s OK for me to be just a normal person.
  7. I am more content now than I have ever been.
  8. I praise and encourage myself.
  9. I am prepared for every obstacle and know when to pivot.
  10. I am a great friend and support at all times.
  11. I will pursue my passions with patience, focus, and strength.

I will pursue my passions with patience, focus, and strength.”

  1. I won't become stagnant holding on to played-out traditions.
  2. Since I’m unique, my self-care will be unique too.
  3. Taking care of myself makes me happy.
  4. I’m honest with myself and avoid false humility.
  5. I stop myself from self-blame.
  6. I am loveable.
  7. Reshaping history is a result of my influence.  
  8. I am an excellent example for my kids to follow.
  9. I am a safe space for others to share their concerns.
  10. I walk into the room like a light in the darkness.
  11. I will apologize to all I have wronged today. 
  12. My instincts are good. There is wisdom in my anxiety.
  13. My confidence and self-esteem are through the roof. I’ve got it going on!
affirmations for self care | affirmations for self love and success | affirmation for self improvement
  1. I won’t draw back any longer to make others comfortable.
  2. The world is getting the best version of me than it ever has before.
  3. My opinions matter, and I contribute a very unique perspective.
  4. I will never stop my quest for knowledge.
  5. I love myself, so I take care of myself.
  6. I make good choices for myself.
  7. Today will be a prosperous day, overflowing with joy.
  8. There is a sleeping beauty within me waiting to be awakened. 
  9. Today starts a new chapter of my extraordinary life's story.

How to Use Affirmations for Self-Care

If you are new to practicing self-care, here are some ideas to inspire you.

  • First, establish a self-care routine that is meaningful to you and that meets your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
  • Choose affirmations for self-care, and include them in your self-care habits, reinforcing the feelings of calm confidence that a self-care routine brings.
  • You may also want to choose some self-love affirmations to increase your feelings of care and affirmation in your life.
  • Self-care can be an emotional journey, so make sure you honor your feelings, whatever they may be.
  • Breathe deeply and repeat your self-care affirmations, releasing negative energy.
  • Place your affirmations on notes around your home for self-care, as a reminder on your phone, or in your journal or vision board to keep them top of mind.

Self-care is the most important investment you can make, and affirmations for self-care can transform your life.

Final Thoughts on Self-Care Affirmations

You cannot take care of others if you don’t make time to care for yourself. Affirmations for self-care help you create positive, loving, accepting feelings that you can then extend and share with those around you. Here are more tips on how to use affirmations to change your life.

And if you want more encouraging affirmations, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you want a simple tool to record and recite these affirmations, then check out these 13 affirmations apps that help you create a positive mindset.

affirmations for self care | affirmations for self love and success | affirmations for self improvement
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