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Is your work stressing you out?
There is no easy job. Even if you are your own boss, there are a lot of things that can contribute to your stress and fears.
So, how do you deal with all this stress when you are about to burn out?
Easy. Get online and search for some funny memes!
In this post, we share with you 45 funny memes about dealing with work stress. You can send them to your workmates, or you can save them on your phone and look at them whenever you feel down and worn out.
Let’s check them out!
1. Designated Crying Area
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How good would it be if there was a crying station in the office? It could be a healthy solution for anyone who needs to cry off some stress while working.
2. Why am I not rich yet?
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Imagine if your stress could be converted into monetary. You’d be a billionaire by now!
3. You should’ve just e-mailed me.
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Meetings can be so aggravating, especially when they are unnecessary. For those of us who are visual workers, it’s easier to read than listen.
4. My actual face every morning.
via fairygodboss
Is this how you look every morning before going to work? We know it’s going to be stressful, but what can you do? You have to get to the grind.
5. Story of my life.
via fairygodboss
If there’s someone out there who understands your stress, it must be one of your co-workers. They understand what you are going through and are a perfect outlet for your venting.
6. Should I just leave?
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Ever looked at the door and thought, “It’s now or never?” We all have those moments. You might think your co-worker is enjoying his work, but deep down, he’s feeling exactly like you are.
7. Yeah, right.
via fairygodboss
Of course, there are also those co-workers we can’t stand. They can be irritating at times, but you have to keep it professional. Just enjoy this meme then and keep it to yourself.
8. How about I just leave for good?
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Here’s another “it’s now or never” moment for those people who are on their way to work and realize how much stress it causes them.
9. Take it from the expert.
via fairygodboss
We were all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at one point, but work has a way of wearing you down. Feel happy for the excited new recruit—they still have hope.
10. Computers are out to get us.
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Doesn’t this always seem to happen? I don’t know how, but it’s almost like computers can smell our fear and know we are on a schedule.
11. You shouldn’t have done that.
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Here’s a gentle reminder that whatever you need to get done, you might as well complete it as soon as you can. Because either way, you still have to do it.
12. I can’t anymore!
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Do you ever feel like this when you’re at work? If so, you seriously need a vacation!
13. My life is a mess.
via fairygodboss
Sometimes, it’s just too much. People expect you to finish a one-month project in one week? What could be more stressful than that!
14. When minutes feel like hours.
via inhersight
When you’ve been working for what seems like forever, but you check the clock and only a minute or two has passed. We all know how that feels—it’s torture.
15. Please leave me alone.
via inhersight
Tell your co-worker that you have already endured enough. Haven’t they ever heard of an eight-hour workday?
16. Me after work.
via inhersight
Is this how you look after a full day at work? Don’t worry—you’re still gorgeous, even if you are super frazzled.
17. Margaritas ain’t enough.
via inhersight
But sometimes the stress is too much to handle. You probably need more than one glass of Margaritas to relax and unwind. What you really need is a plane ticket to the Maldives.
18. Don’t worry about me.
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When your friends ask if you are all right and all you can do is say you are fine, it’s a clear indicator that the stress is starting to get to you.
19. Stress all over the place!
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Sometimes it’s just all too much to handle. And then you realize that you can’t stress about what’s been stressing out you lately because there is something new to stress out about.
20. Elizabeth James Stress Level
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If you’ve seen the film, you know this is a whole other level of stress. Parent Trap has always been one of my favorite movies. In fact, I watch it every time I feel stressed.
21. Work Stress vs. Home Stress
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When you are already stressed at work, but then you come home and the stress intensifies. You just wish they could fight like this so you can forget about at least one of them for a few minutes.
22. Oh, there are those days.
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If you’ve been feeling like this at work, maybe it’s time to take a break from the stress. How about some coloring? Hopefully you enjoy it more than this cute little girl is.
23. The stress limit does not exist.
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Cady Heron (played by Lindsay Lohan) realizing that the stress limit does not exist pretty much sums up our existence.
24. TV Shows are my best friends.
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When you are stressed, sometimes the only answer is to binge. You just want to go home, turn off your brain, and watch your favorite TV shows.
25. What did I miss?
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Weekends are our best friends. They are the only time when we get to release all the stress that has built up during the workweek. Friday can’t come soon enough!
26. I’m busy, boss.
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Hey, at least you look like you are working, even if you are doing the most pointless thing ever!
27. It’s just not obvious.
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Do you ever find something funny, yet find that you can’t laugh as much as you want because you are weighed down by stress? Dr. Yang clearly knows how you feel.
28. Coffee saves the day.
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Coffee pretty much runs through our veins. What other liquid supplement can save the day time and time again?
29. Thanks, Queen B.
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“I dream it, I work hard, I grind 'til I own it.” Queen B knows best. Let’s thank her for all the love and support. Without her, you would probably have stopped grinding a long time ago.
30. I can feel you, Zendaya.
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Zendaya knows how you are feeling too! Stress only gets worse the more things you have on your plate.
31. Monday Lisa
via attendancebot
We laughed so hard when we saw this meme. Imagine Mona Lisa on a Monday morning, stressed and already feeling burned out. It’s a Monday Lisa!
32. Chopping down the hours.
via attendancebot
It’s the 40-20-10 rule. No, there’s no such thing as that. We just made it up. But you probably can relate to this on a whole lot of levels. Do you break down the hours, too?
33. Are you for real?
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You can’t react like this for real, so you better just save this meme and share it with your co-workers during break time.
34. Patience level 999.
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Patience is a virtue—just ask Leonardo DiCaprio. Since you can’t really say no to your boss, you might as well start practicing being patient.
35. Roger that!
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Some bosses tend to micromanage their employees. If you are one of those people who hates being micromanaged, we bet you can relate to this meme!
36. How do you think?
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Do people ever ask you how you handle your job so well? And do you think about it for a moment and realize that no matter how good of a face you put on, the stress is actually killing you inside?
37. I’m still alive, boss.
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If you are close to your boss and he asks you how you’re doing, send him this meme to make him smile. But only if he has a sense of humor!
38. Me every time.
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Joker feeling like his life is some kind of a joke all the time is our daily dose of stress relief. Don’t let work get you down. Just enjoy these memes.
39. Inferiority complex.
via yourtango
It’s retreat day and the facilitator asks everyone to share a bit about themselves. This is probably everyone’s answer.
40. Depends on the day.
via yourtango
Is Monday the first position, or the last? Either way, you can’t wait until Friday!
41. Is it Friday already?
via yourtango
This is probably your reaction every day from Monday to Thursday. Admit it, we’re right!
42. We know how you feel, Scar.
via yourtango
We hated you when we were young, but now you seem like the evil genius of Lion King. What we wouldn’t give to get rid of all the idiots around us!
Final Words
We hope that we were able to help you relax and unwind with these funny work memes, even just for a moment.
Whenever you feel tired, worn out, or stressed, return to this article and entertain yourself with these funny memes. Make it a habit to find an outlet where you can release all of your pent-up worry and anxiety.