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Have you ever come home from work feeling defeated or stuck? What if I told you that you have the power to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones?
By practicing daily positive affirmations, you will have the power to manifest success into your life and career. It really is that easy, and the best part is that it’s backed by science. Here, we’ll be looking at 50 positive affirmations for work.
Why Affirmations Are Important for Work
We all need a motivational boost from time to time. Perhaps you’re not where you want to be in your job. Or maybe working life has become more of a chore than something you genuinely enjoy.
Whatever your situation, having negative feelings associated with your job can significantly impact your mental health and, ultimately, the quality of the work you produce.
Fortunately, it’s possible to reclaim your power and manifest success at your work. All you need to do is repeat some affirmations daily. Yep, it’s that easy.
Affirmations are self-affirming, positive statements that we repeat to ourselves to reprogram our approach to life. People use them for a variety of reasons in their lives. In simple terms, having a positive attitude towards our work lives results in higher productivity levels.
Maybe some scientific evidence will spark your interest if you're not convinced. A study published in the Social Cognitive and Neuroscience journal helped shed some light on the changes in our brain activity when we practice positive affirmations. The results were staggering.
Researchers found positive affirmations activate the ventral striatum (VS) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC).
In layman’s terms, these are parts of our brain associated with pleasurable experiences. Picture that pure joy when you finally receive your meal at a restaurant.
When it comes to workplace affirmations, it’s essential to focus on affirming your abilities, confidence, and worth. So, if you’re feeling down about your job, be sure to check out these 30 positive affirmations for success.
100 Positive Affirmations for Success at Work
Remember that good things will flow back to you when you emit positive energy into the world, even when things aren't perfect. Gone will be the days of waking up in the morning with a feeling of dread of heading to the office.
Now that we’ve discussed why affirmations are essential for our growth, let’s look. Here’s a list of 100 positive affirmations you can use to drive success at work.
- I am a valuable asset to my workplace.
- I am going to have a productive day at work.
- I choose to learn and grow from difficult situations that may be thrown my way at work.
I choose to learn and grow from difficult situations that may be thrown my way at work.
- I am good at my job.
- I am confident in my ability to produce high-quality work.
- I am grateful for my job.
- I am going to contribute to my team today.
- I will set daily tasks and ensure I complete them.
- I am precisely where I need to be.
- I have the drive and motivation to pursue a promotion.
- I can transform obstacles into opportunities.
- I have integrity when it comes to my work.
- I am fuelled by a passion for my job.
- I have the humility to ask questions when I am unsure of something at work.
- I am strong, intelligent, and fully capable of achieving my goals.
- I am excited by the possibilities that today’s workday may hold.
- I am energized and ready to perform at work.
- I cannot be intimidated by those trying to put me down.
- I am deserving of respect from my colleagues.
- I am not defined by my mistakes at work.
- I am focused and ready to face the day.
- I will go to bed earlier on workdays to ensure I perform at my full potential.
- My future goals are within my reach.
- I have the power to manifest success within my workplace by working towards goals.
I have the power to manifest success within my workplace by working towards goals.”
- I am attracting success and money into my life.
- I am filled to the brim with positive energy.
- I am talented at what I do and fully capable.
- I am currently on the right career path for my success.
- I can hold my anger in check when stressful situations arise.
- My well-being always comes first.
- I acknowledge my own self-worth within my work environment.
- I am working to the best of my ability every day.
- The universe is providing me with every opportunity for success.
- I am going to be open-minded and explore alternate routes to my success.
- I am going to celebrate all my victories, even the small ones.
- I will transform failures into learning curves.
- I am a creative force.
- I am consciously pushing myself to develop in areas of my work I am unsure of.
- I am trusting the journey ahead.
- My potential to achieve success is unlimited.
- I will treat my colleagues with the same respect I want to be treated with.
- I am confident in my abilities.
- I have the power to create my own success.
- I am in charge of the energy I put out.
- I am a strong leader and can be trusted to be fair.
- I am empowered and can face any challenge that the day may face.
- My presence makes a difference to my workspace.
- I am surrounded by people who believe in me and are rooting for my success.
- My efforts at work are rewarded.
- I have all the necessary tools at my disposal to succeed.
- I love how I'm constantly improving and growing in my career.
- I attract positive and supportive colleagues into my work environment.
- My work means something at this job and is appreciated by people.
- I beam with pride at the work that I do.
- Every day is an opportunity to take a risk and try new things at my place of employment.
Every day is an opportunity to take a risk and try new things at my place of employment.
- I determine what my success is.
- Obstacles and challenges at work are another way for me to grow, learn, and become stronger.
- My determination and hard work will lead me to success.
- I can see how much I have a positive impact on this company.
- My thoughts are focused on achieving my goals and finding success at work.
- Future success will happen due to how well I work today.
- I’m confident that I deserve all the success that I have now and in the future.
- I produce valuable and unique work that people benefit from and appreciate.
- My career makes me feel high levels of gratitude.
- Regardless of what happens today, I will be positive and productive.
- My hard work and dedication have not been a waste.
- There isn't any situation I can't handle as long as I think it through.
- I bring a valuable skill set to excel at my job and others.
- My success is not limited by external factors.
- All challenges are just opportunities for me to improve in my career.
- Adapting to a new environment is one of my strengths.
- I am grateful for the supportive and encouraging network of colleagues and mentors.
- My positive attitude towards my work inspires those around me.
- The quality of my work reflects my commitment to success.
- I trust in the process and know that success will come with patience and perseverance.
- My self-confidence helps me overcome any doubts or insecurities in my work.
- I am very good at setting achievable goals and working through them efficiently.
- I am successful and happy because I love the job that I do.
- Failure is temporary and not a mark against my intellect.
- Creativity helps me be innovative in my job.
- I feel like I'm learning something new every day.
- I could write a book on all the things that I've learned in my field.
- I am a valuable figure in my workplace.
- I feel good lending my voice to meetings and discussions.
- I don't suffer from imposter syndrome because I know my abilities fit this job.
- I have a solid work ethic that has helped me achieve great things.
- Constructive criticism is just as valuable as applause.
- I am proud to work for the company and team that I'm on.
- I am grateful that I have a work life balance that I continue to maintain.
- I am learning things at this job that I'll continue to benefit for him even if I leave for another place of employment.
- My personality, work ethic, confidence and personality aid in a supportive environment at this job.
- I bring something special to this company.
- I have the determination to overcome any obstacles in pursuit of my goals.
- My success is not determined by external factors such as luck or circumstance, but by my own hard work and dedication.
My success is not determined by external factors such as luck or circumstance, but by my own hard work and dedication.
- I have a great team and I'm blessed to work with them.
- Even if no one is watching, I will always be honest, practice integrity and do a good job.
- I have a clear vision for my future and am taking steps every day to make it a reality.
- My achievements are worth celebrating, no matter how small they may seem.
- I have what it takes to be a leader.
- I will still prosper if I leave this job.
How to Use Affirmations for Success at Work
Sometimes, it can be easy to lose track of why your work is important. More often than not, people get caught up in the repetitiveness of their jobs, which can stir up some negative emotions.
If you find yourself in this situation, know that it is possible to turn things around. By practicing positive affirmations such as the ones listed above, you are taking control of your thoughts instead of letting them control you.
Integrating affirmations into your everyday life can positively impact your performance at work. For example, you may hate your job and feel a bit stuck. By taking control of your emotions and repeating a phrase like “I am in charge of my energy,” eventually, you will start to believe it.
Consequently, you’ll find that many of the negative aspects of your work were all down to perspective. The mind is a powerful thing and should never be underestimated.
Don’t worry if you feel silly standing in a mirror complimenting yourself. Some people prefer to implement affirmations into their lives by writing them down. For instance, you can write them down on sticky notes and place them in various places around your home as a reminder.
Others like to set daily affirmations as their backgrounds on their phones. That way, you can be reminded of your goals and ensure that you manifest positive energy throughout the day.
Whether you love your job or not, we all need a boost sometimes. If you’re not there yet, that’s okay. The important thing is that you consciously choose to take control of your life and not let negativity leave a strong negative impact.
Practicing daily affirmations, regardless of your preferred method, has the power to significantly alter the way you perceive the world. Ultimately, doing so can help to boost your overall performance at work and lead to further success down the line.
Final Thoughts on Positive Affirmations for Work
There are many things in life that we don’t have control over. However, we do have control over our thoughts. By implementing positive affirmations in your daily routine, you will see a difference in how your work life pans out.
Check out the positive affirmations for work we’ve listed above. Who knows? It may be a game-changer for your career and your life.
And if you want more encouraging affirmations, be sure to check out these blog posts:
- 109 Growth Mindset Affirmations and Statements
- 99 Nurse and Nursing Student Affirmations
- 99 Encouraging Affirmations for Motivating Others
Finally, if you want a simple tool to record and recite these affirmations, then check out these 13 affirmations apps that help you create a positive mindset.