60 Affirmations for a Calming Peace of Mind

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Our minds are constantly multitasking. We’re always thinking about family, friends, work, chores, money, and other obligations.

Unfortunately, stress and anxiety have become entirely normal and are embedded into every aspect of our lives. It’s no wonder so many people feel burned out and exhausted and just crave inner peace.

That’s why more people use affirmations for peace to connect with their inner selves and finally feel relief.

Why Affirmations Are Important for Peace

Let’s first define affirmations and how they affect your mind.

Affirmations are positive statements that help you deal with negative feelings, thoughts, and situations.

This may sound too simple; repeating the same sentences won’t change anything around you. But research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things.

Affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to adapt to new situations.

Sometimes, the brain gets confused about what’s real and not, and affirmations take advantage of this. For example, evidence shows that imagining a scenario can trick your brain into thinking it really happened.

That’s why repeating affirmations regularly can affect your mindset: the brain will start to accept them as facts. Affirmations can target virtually any aspect of your life, depending on your circumstances and goals.

Affirmations for peace are highly beneficial for those that feel their lives are out of balance. Many factors can disrupt our peace: toxic people, self-blame, aiming for perfection, avoiding discomfort, confrontation, holding grudges, etc.

Since we are all different, we can’t know what can jeopardize another person’s well-being. To achieve peace, each person needs to focus on the triggers and use adequate affirmations.

Affirmations are helpful for numerous reasons:

  • Help you reprogram your subconsciousness
  • Encourage you to create a better picture of yourself and your surroundings
  • Lower your stress levels
  • Decrease worry, fear, and anxiety
  • Improve the quality of life
  • Provide feelings of harmony, happiness, and optimism

As you can see, affirmations can help you achieve peace and improve every aspect of your life. But keep in mind that they only work if you’re persistent. You can’t expect to see the results in just a few days.

Whatever you’re feeling, it’s essential to use only positive affirmations. If you focus on the negative aspects, the affirmations will have a counter-effect.

To help you get started, we’ve created a list of 60 examples of positive affirmations you can use to bring peace into your life.

60 Affirmations for Peace and Happiness

  1. My mind and body are quiet.
  2. I am at peace with myself and everything that surrounds me.
  3. I feel light and calm.
  4. Nothing can disrupt my peace.
  5. I strive to achieve inner peace.
  6. My life is at peace at all times.
  7. Harmony and peace surround me.
  8. I am 100% relaxed at this very moment.
Affirmations for Peace - I am 100% relaxed at this very moment. | affirmations for love | morning affirmations for peace | affirmations for inner work #peace #affirmations #calm
  1. I choose to think positively about what’s bothering me.
  2. I have the power to let go of everything that’s disrupting my peace.
  3. I can feel the stress leaving my mind and body.
  4. I can let go of things I can’t change.
  5. All my problems are disappearing.
  6. I can be relaxed in all situations.
  7. Inner peace is my goal.
  8. I am surrounded by peace and positive energy.
  9. With every breath I take, I am letting peace into my body.
  10. I can feel the connection to my inner peace.
  11. I am grateful for the peace I have right now.
  12. I attract peaceful and calm people into my life.
  13. I feel deeply calm and relaxed.
  14. My life revolves around tranquility.
  15. My aim is peacefulness.
  16. I am worthy of peace and harmony.
  17. It’s easy for me to let go of stress, anxiety, and fear.
  18. I am confident I’m making the right decisions that will lead me to peace.
  19. Nobody can take my peace from me.
  20. I give myself permission to remove stress from my life.
  21. Wherever I go, I carry my peace with me.
  22. My actions attract peace into my life.
Affirmations for Peace - My actions attract peace into my life. | inner peace quotes | affirmation for healing and peace of mind | affirmations for comfort #mindfulness #serenity #harmony
  1. Every cell in my body has a positive vibration.
  2. Today, I choose to be peaceful and calm.
  3. I am happy I am surrounded by people that bring me peace.
  4. I accept that I am not perfect.
  5. I know it’s okay to get out of my comfort zone.
  6. A peaceful aura surrounds my family and me.
  7. I feel complete serenity.
  8. The peaceful energy inside me is fulfilling.
  9. I attract peace from the universe.
  10. I am in touch with my calm nature, which guides me towards complete peace.
  11. Other people’s opinions don’t bother me.
  12. I am always able to return to my peaceful state of mind.
  13. I deserve peace and harmony.
  14. I focus on the positive aspects of every situation.
  15. The universe is showering me with an abundance of peace and joy.
  16. I channel peace and well-being.
  17. I appreciate myself and my need for peace.
  18. I have a loving family that supports me and respects my needs.
  19. As worries leave my body, they leave room for peace and calmness.
  20. I am at peace with the world around me.
Affirmations for Peace - I am at peace with the world around me. | affirmations for peace of mind | affirmations for peace and happiness | affirmations for peace and harmony #affirmation #dailyaffirmations #happiness
  1. Breathing deeply helps me achieve peace.
  2. I embrace serenity and let go of stress.
  3. There’s no room for pessimistic thoughts in my head.
  4. I can feel the shift towards peace.
  5. I know I am worthy of peace.
  6. The peace that I need is inside me.
  7. Nobody can help me achieve peace but me.
  8. The power is in my hands.
  9. Disagreements with my family and friends can’t disrupt my peace.
  10. My mind and body are magnets that attract peace and joy.

How to Use Affirmations for Peace

How and when you’ll use affirmations for peace depends solely on your preferences and goals. First, however, we’ll share some of the best practices for getting the most out of incorporating affirmations into your routine.

Identify the Trigger

As we’ve mentioned earlier, many factors can jeopardize your inner peace: friends, problems at work, health, politics, climate change, etc. Affirmations are most effective when you’ve successfully identified the source of your problems.

For example, if you know that issues at work are disrupting your peace, affirmations like “Disagreements with my family don’t affect my peace” won’t be effective.

The affirmation you choose needs to relate to your problem and help you overcome it.

Repeat Affirmations

You know what they say: Repetition is the mother of learning. So, just like showering and brushing your teeth, affirmations need to become a part of your daily routine.

It’s best to do it gradually; start with affirmations twice a day for a few minutes. Then, slowly increase this number while focusing on their meaning. For this to work, you need to be patient and persistent. Try not to skip days, especially in the beginning.

As a bonus for establishing a daily affirmation routine, you’ll trigger the reward system in your brain, which produces feelings of pleasure and happiness.

It’s Not Enough to Say Them As You Mean Them

Affirmations can only work if you agree with them. Carefully listen to the words you’re saying. If you don’t believe in them or try to, affirmations will have little to no effect.

Surround Yourself With Affirmations

Writing down your affirmations and placing them around your house or workplace can remind you to say them, especially if you’re just starting your routine.

Here are a few convenient places for your affirmations:

  • Mirrors
  • Next to your computer
  • Closet doors
  • On the wall
  • Exercise equipment
  • Screen saver
  • Ceiling
  • Fridge

Say Them in the Morning

Many people enjoy saying affirmations in the morning, right after they wake up.

At that time, your mind is fresh. So find a few minutes before beginning the day to repeat your affirmations. That way, you’ll start the morning right with a dose of positivity.

If you have to face what’s disrupting your tranquility every day, you’ll find morning affirmations for peace incredibly useful. They’ll help you create the right mindset and lower your stress and anxiety.

Look in the Mirror

One of the best ways to use affirmations is to stand in front of a mirror. Look yourself in the eyes, lift your chin up, and face whatever’s bothering you. Then, say the affirmations with courage and confidence, and you’ll notice how it positively affects your mindset.

Incorporate Affirmations in Meditation

One of the best ways to achieve peace is through meditation. Get the best of both worlds by saying affirmations before or while you’re meditating.

Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Peace

Saying affirmations for peace regularly helps our brain to create positive responses to different circumstances. Although it may seem hard to believe, these short phrases can significantly change how we perceive ourselves and our surroundings.

If you feel your peace is jeopardized, identify the trigger and find the best way to effectively use affirmations.

And if you want more encouraging affirmations, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you want a simple tool to record and recite these affirmations, then check out these 13 affirmations apps that help you create a positive mindset.

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