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Today's kids have access to so much information and interactive games on cell phones, tablets, and smart TVs. While all of these things are important, and you need to keep up with the times, it's also essential for children to learn how to ask and answer questions from other people.
A local teacher was struggling to get one of her students to share stories and information with the class. Eventually, she found a fun way to get through to her student, which was so simple. She started asking the kids some “never have I ever questions.”
This style of questioning really resonated with the child, and soon he was chatting and expressing himself with the rest of the class.
If you're a teacher or parent and want to ask your kids some clean and fun questions to gain more insight into their lives, then you're in luck. These 161 clean and fun never have I ever questions for kids are the best way to get through to them and boost their confidence.
But, before the questioning begins, let's have a looksie at what “never have I ever” questions are, and if there is a difference between closed-ended and open-ended questions.
What are Never Have I Ever Questions?
Never have I ever questions are fun closed-ended (direct) questions that are designed to allow people to reveal information about themselves without going into detail. These questions are typically answered with a simple yes (a nod or by raising your hand) or a no (a shake of the head).
The questions are fast-paced, and the kids must listen carefully and answer quickly. So another bonus with asking these questions is teaching children mindful listening skills. This activity is an excellent icebreaker that allows the kids to get to know their classmates or friends in a fun and relaxed way.
You will get to know your kids on another level as an adult or teacher.
Let's do a quick crash course on how to ask these questions or play the Never Have I Ever question game. Let the kids sit at their desks or in a circle. Ask the questions one by one. If the kids have done any of the actions in the question, they can raise their hand.
If you ask the questions one-on-one, they can simply answer yes or no (or nod or shake their heads).
The beauty is that you can ask these questions in the classroom, at a family picnic, in the car on the way to school, or at a kid's birthday party. There are no hard or fast rules. The main objective is to have fun and learn something new about the kids.
What is the Difference Between Closed and Open-Ended Questions?
Closed and open-ended questions both have significant roles, and bring out (and encourage) very different answers. A closed-ended question is a questioning style that is straightforward. The child is only provided with an option to answer “yes” or “no.”
Think of closed-ended questions as the tip of an iceberg, and funnily enough, these questions are perfect for icebreakers (#Icebergs&Icebreakers). They work well in situations such as orientations or first-time meetings.
Kids are often very shy on their first day of school and are generally not keen to open up entirely about themselves. So, by using closed-ended questions, you can get to know them better (and they can get to know their classmates) without putting too much pressure on them.
Unlike closed-ended questions, open-ended questions like to dig a little deeper and see what's below the water line (the rest of the iceberg). Open-ended questions are asked in such a way that they encourage the kids to open up a bit more about themselves and offer an explanation.
Before they realize it, they will be talking about how a particular incident made them feel or why they're excited about a certain topic. Open-ended questions work well during class discussions and are a great way to motivate children to tell their stories while listening to the other students.
Often, these questions will snowball into bigger conversations where the kids will add their own experiences. The type of questions you ask will depend on the information you are looking for.
161 Clean & Fun Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids
Now that we've answered all the obvious questions, here are 161 clean and fun never have I ever asked questions for kids! I have divided the questions into categories so you can pick and choose according to your little audience.
Funny Never Have I Ever Questions
1. Never have I ever tried to outrun a cheetah.
2. Never have I ever tried to talk while blowing air out of my nose.
3. Never have I ever gone to school in my pajamas.
4. Never have I ever laughed so hard that I got a tummy ache.
5. Never have I ever laughed at my own joke before the punch line.
6. Never have I ever swallowed a fly.
7. Never have I ever hid in the bathroom when it was my turn to do dishes.
8. Never have I ever tumbled out of bed when I had a bad dream.
9. Never have I ever sung so loudly in the shower that the dogs started howling.
10. Never have I ever imagined that I was a cartoon character for a day.
11. Never have I ever pretended that I can’t hear or see someone to confuse them.
12. Never have I ever fallen or tripped while walking upstairs.
13. Never have I ever tried to walk around the house wearing my parents' reading glasses.
14. Never have I ever thrown spaghetti at the wall to see if it was ready.
15. Never have I ever fallen asleep during a lesson and started snoring.
16. Never have I ever waved or greeted someone who wasn’t actually talking to me.
17. Never have I ever gone to school with two different socks on.
18. Never have I ever pranked someone.
19. Never have I ever known every word of a classic Disney movie.
20. Never have I ever drunk pickle juice from a pickle jar.
Cool Never Have I Ever Questions
21. Never have I ever set my hair into a mohawk with hairspray.
22. Never have I ever worn sunglasses at night.
23. Never have I ever high-fived a surfer.
24. Never have I ever stayed up all night watching movies.
25. Never have I ever set up a tent in my lounge.
26. Never have I ever pretended to be really good at something.
27. Never have I ever seen a meteor shower or a shooting star.
28. Never have I ever been late to a birthday party.
29. Never have I ever pretended to be sick to stay at home.
30. Never have I ever finished reading an entire book in one sitting.
31. Never have I ever watched a horror movie while blocking my ears.
32. Never have I ever sent a secret valentine's card to someone on Valentine’s Day.
33. Never have I ever won a prize or trophy for a competition or race.
34. Never have I ever won a game of Scrabble.
35. Never have I ever pretended to know a celebrity to score popularity points.
36. Never have I ever mastered the Rubik’s cube.
37. Never have I ever needed stitches or staples.
38. Never have I ever overslept and missed the school bus.
39. Never have I ever helped my mother cook a three-course meal.
40. Never have I ever bought a pair of shoes that I didn’t like.
Silly Never Have I Ever Questions
41. Never have I ever made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without peanut butter.
42. Never have I ever walked with a wedgie.
43. Never have I ever worn my shoes on the opposite feet.
44. Never have I ever blown bubbles into my chocolate milk.
45. Never have I ever told a teacher that my dog ate my homework.
46. Never have I ever tried to stand on my head and sing the national anthem.
47. Never have I ever dreamed of joining a circus.
48. Never have I ever somersaulted on a trampoline while whistling.
49. Never have I ever pretended to be a contestant on America’s Got Talent and lip-synced in front of the mirror.
50. Never have I ever walked into a room and forgotten why I was there.
51. Never have I ever danced with a broom to a really good song.
52. Never have I ever gone to school and forgotten to brush my teeth and wash my face.
53. Never have I ever been tempted to taste dog or cat kibble.
54. Never have I ever had a crush on a character from a movie, series, or book.
55. Never have I ever had gum stuck under my shoe.
56. Never have I ever been caught passing a note around the class.
57. Never have I ever tried to cut my own or someone else’s hair.
58. Never have I ever drunk soda pop so fast that it gushed out of my nose.
59. Never have I ever burped the whole alphabet.
60. Never have I ever eaten vanilla ice cream with ketchup sauce.
Action-Packed Never Have I Ever Questions
61. Never Have I ever imagined that I was as fast as the Flash.
62. Never have I ever ridden a unicycle.
63. Never have I ever attempted to scale a wall like Spiderman.
64. Never have I ever done a walking handstand.
65. Never have I ever done three cartwheels in a row.
66. Never have I ever accidentally scared someone so badly that they started crying.
67. Never have I ever imagined that I could fly.
68. Never have I ever gone camping with family or friends.
69. Never have I ever taken my sports clothes out of the laundry basket to wear the next day.
70. Never have I ever broken a leg or an arm.
71. Never have I ever broken the school record for the fastest runner.
72. Never have I ever fallen on the ground because I missed the chair when I sat down.
73. Never have I ever slipped on a banana peel.
74. Never have I ever eaten all my carrots to see better in the dark.
75. Never have I ever pulled a funny face at midnight to see if it would stay that way.
76. Never have I ever hula-hooped for longer than 10 minutes.
77. Never have I ever seen a tiger at the zoo.
78. Never have I ever made a friend believe in fairies and gnomes.
79. Never have I ever forgotten to do my biology homework.
80. Never have I ever wanted to be just like Harry Potter and do magic.
Random Never Have I Ever Questions
81. Never have I ever seen a fly walk.
82. Never have I ever seen lightning strike the same place twice.
83. Never have I ever seen a tortoise without its shell.
84. Never have I ever seen a seven-legged spider.
85. Never have I ever watched a movie more than twice.
86. Never have I ever learned and performed a TikTok dance.
87. Never have I ever stuffed my clothes under my bed because I didn’t feel like folding and putting them away.
88. Never have I ever gone to the hospital for an operation.
89. Never have I ever accidentally used someone else’s toothbrush. (#Eww.)
90. Never have I ever laughed before helping someone when they tripped.
91. Never have I ever hit a Piñata, and it hasn’t broken.
92. Never have I ever eaten a whole slab of chocolate all by myself.
93. Never have I ever received a secret love letter or note.
94. Never have I ever used the ten-second rule and eaten a piece of food that I dropped on the floor.
95. Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person.
96. Never have I ever tried to build a snowman out of vanilla ice cream and raisins.
97. Never have I ever hidden my peas underneath my gem squash shell.
98. Never have I ever sung opera in the kitchen while I was waiting for my food.
99. Never have I ever ridden a bicycle without holding onto the handlebars.
100. Never have I ever tried to make the sound of popcorn from my mouth.
101. Never have I ever jumped in muddy puddles without my wellies on.
Weird and Wonderful Never Have I Ever Questions
102. Never have I ever made the most delicious flavored milkshake ever.
103. Never have I ever pretended that I was invisible for a day.
104. Never have I tried to catch raindrops on my tongue.
105. Never have I ever climbed a tree right to the tippy top.
106. Never have I ever owned a pet.
107. Never have I ever bodysurfed at the beach.
108. Never have I ever collected a bucket of earthworms to use when we go fishing.
109. Never have I ever gone bird watching with my grandparents.
110. Never have I ever let my puppy or kitten sleep beside me in my bed.
111. Never have I ever slept on a yacht or a cruise ship.
112. Never have I ever watched a caterpillar spin into a cocoon and then emerge as a beautiful butterfly.
113. Never have I ever seen a praying mantis chase away a cat with their kung fu moves.
114. Never have I ever drunk water from a stream while hiking.
115. Never have I ever directed and starred in a homemade concert with my brother or sister at a family function.
116. Never have I ever pretended that I was actually an alien from a faraway planet.
117. Never have I ever tried to make my horse look like a unicorn by trying to put a snow cone on their head.
118. Never have I ever tried to see the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
119. Never have I ever had waffles with bacon and syrup for breakfast.
120. Never have I ever had long conversations with a pet.
121. Never have I ever seen a cat land on all fours.
Family-Oriented Never Have I Ever Questions
122. Never have I ever pretended to have an imaginary friend.
123. Never have I ever told my parents I was going to sleep and then stayed up reading a book all night.
124. Never have I ever blamed my brother or sister for something that was my fault.
125. Never have I ever helped my mother pack away the dishes.
126. Never have I ever made my own bed and tidied my room.
127. Never have I ever walked around in my dad’s big boots.
128. Never have I ever had a fight with my brother or sister.
129. Never have I ever eaten the last Twinkie in the pantry.
130. Never have I ever done chores for pocket money.
131. Never have I ever forgotten to take down the laundry when my mother asked me to, and then it started to rain.
132. Never have I ever watered the garden.
133. Never have I ever played PlayStation all day.
134. Never have I ever walked my brother or sister to class.
135. Never have I ever helped my dad work on the car.
136. Never have I ever gone grocery shopping with my family.
137. Never have I ever hidden between the clothes racks at the clothing store while my mother was shopping.
138. Never have I ever told a white lie to get out of trouble.
139. Never have I ever hidden my school report from my parents.
140. Never have I ever been to a family member's baby shower.
141. Never have I ever worn my sibling’s t-shirt.
Bonus Never Have I Ever Questions
142. Never have I ever blown my nose really hard and checked to see what was in the tissue.
143. Never have I ever put my alarm on snooze mode.
143. Never have I ever forgotten to study for a test.
144. Never have I ever put on an accent and pretended to be from another country.
145. Never have I ever been afraid of my shadow.
146. Never have I ever worn my jacket inside out without realizing it.
147. Never have I ever forgotten it was dress-up day at school.
148. Never have I ever made a terrible cup of tea.
149. Never have I ever drawn a face on my chin so that I can lie upside down and film it talking.
150. Never have I ever taken a generous scoop of peanut butter from the jar and eaten it just as is.
151. Never have I ever been to a wedding.
152. Never have I ever gone to a school dance.
153. Never have I ever accidentally put salt on my porridge instead of sugar.
154. Never have I ever pretended to be a food show presenter.
155. Never have I ever pretended to own a radio station and DJ my own music.
156. Never have I ever felt dizzy on a merry-go-round.
157. Never have I ever gotten an “F” on a math test.
158. Never have I ever read a poem at the school assembly.
159. Never have I ever wished upon a shooting star.
160. Never have I ever told a lie to see if my nose would grow like Pinocchio’s.
161. Never have I ever tried to eat an entire pizza on my own.
Final Thoughts on Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids
So, if you're looking for a fun and relaxed way to get to know your children or students, try out some of the amazing never have I ever questions for kids (and there are so many to choose from).
Obviously, you don't need to run through all these questions in one go. So, if you want to split the questions up further and stretch them over a couple of sessions or lessons, you can play the put a finger down version.
Split the questions into ten (or five) and tell each child to hold up ten fingers. Every time they have done the action in the question, they must put a finger down. These questions will have all the kids coming out of their shells and building relationships with one another in a stress-free setting.
Want more fun questions for kids? Then check out the guide on 225 Fun This or That Questions for Kids. And if you're looking for some questions for teens and young adults, we've got you covered with 119 Fun This or That Questions for Teens and Young Adults.
And if you want more interesting questions to ask, be sure to check out these blog posts:
- 101 Ice Breaker Questions for Kids That They’ll Love
- 140 Fun True or False Questions for Kids
- 118 Get to Know You Questions for Kids