117 Wednesday Affirmations to Power Through Hump Day

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Wednesday is a notoriously difficult day, especially for people who don’t like their jobs. But, even when people like their jobs and enjoy the work, it is challenging to maintain energy and motivation throughout the week, and Wednesday is the biggest challenge. So here are some great Wednesday affirmations to get you through hump day.

Why Wednesday Affirmations are Important to Power Through Hump Day

A 2015 study showed that mid-weekdays tend to “blur together” in our minds, with little distinction that sets them apart. Over the week, our reaction times actually slow, reaching their longest delay on Wednesdays.

Wednesdays are low in motivation, with less clarity and energy for your weekly goals and more discouragement about future plans and objectives.

Unfortunately, many people have so little energy or motivation on Wednesday that they simply give up on the week, focusing instead on the weekend ahead and a new plan for the next week.

While this is an entirely natural reaction, it is also slightly self-sabotaging to give up on your weekly goals halfway through.

So instead, use these powerful Wednesday affirmations to re-focus, re-energize, and re-motivate yourself on this challenging day.

117 Wednesday Affirmations to Power Through Hump Day

  1. Wednesday is the best day of the week
  2. Today will be a great day
  3. Today I choose to be happy
  4. I am fully focused on my goals for today
  1. I am full of energy
  2. I am strong and well
  3. My life is flourishing
  4. I am thankful for this day
  5. This Wednesday is full of opportunities
  6. My thoughts change my reality
  7. I choose to be positive
  8. My attitude is vital to my happiness
  9. I choose my thoughts
  10. Today is better than yesterday
  11. Wednesday is an adventure
  12. I will make time to laugh today
  13. Everything will be just fine
  14. Today I will take good care of myself
  15. I will make good decisions today
  16. I am glad to be here
  17. I am fully present in the here and now
  18. I have so much to be thankful for
  19. I am worthy of happiness
  20. I have succeeded in the past; I will succeed again
Wednesday Affirmations - I have succeeded in the past; I will succeed again | wednesday morning affirmations images | wednesday quotes | wednesday positive quotes
  1. I have everything I need
  2. This Wednesday is a fresh start
  3. I will surprise myself today
  4. I see myself thriving today
  5. I breathe out anxiety and breathe in confidence
  6. I expect great things today
  7. Everything is possible for me
  8. My life gets better and better
  9. I am unstoppable
  10. Good things will come to me today
  11. I make the most of Wednesdays
  12. Today is my day
  13. I deserve to be appreciated
  14. I will be at peace with others today
  15. Today I am content
  16. I go after what I want
  17. My dreams are becoming my reality
  18. I change my life for the better
  19. I see myself as thriving and successful
  20. I can handle anything that comes my way today
Wednesday Affirmations - I can handle anything that comes my way today | daily affirmations | wednesday blessings | positive affirmations
  1. I live a powerful and joyful life
  2. My potential is endless
  3. I am exactly who I am supposed to be at this moment
  4. My life is going great
  5. I cannot fail
  6. I always find a way to reach my goals
  7. I work to achieve my goals
  8. I can have what I work for
  9. My actions improve my life
  10. I am thankful this Wednesday for all the good things in my life

I am thankful this Wednesday for all the good things in my life”

  1. I overcome all obstacles
  2. This Wednesday, everything is possible
  3. I can do anything I set my mind to
  4. My future is golden
  5. This Wednesday will be the best one ever
  6. I deserve success
  7. I never give up
  8. Life is full of opportunities
  9. I will take excellent care of myself today
  10. I can handle whatever comes along today
  11. I welcome my bright future
  12. I am at my best
  13. I am proud of myself
  14. My horizons are expanding every day
  15. I have faith in myself
  16. I’m willing to work for my goals and dreams
  17. I overcome difficulties and get stronger
  18. I have everything I need
  19. I create my best life every day
  20. My mental and physical health is better than ever
Wednesday Affirmations - My mental and physical health is better than ever | thursday affirmations for work | wellness wednesday affirmations | wednesday morning affirmations images
  1. I generate great ideas
  2. I deserve every good thing
  3. I succeed because I persevere
  4. I aim for improvement, not perfection
  5. I am grateful for this Wednesday
  6. I am determined to reach my full potential
  7. I cherish my uniqueness
  8. This Wednesday, I am enough
  9. I inspire others to do their best
  10. Today I will create happiness for myself and for others
  11. Every breath is a gift
  12. I keep my mind and body healthy
  13. I release what I cannot control
  14. Challenges make me stronger
  15. I am confident that everything will be well
  16. I can do what needs to be done
  17. I feel powerful
  18. I am convinced of my own success
  19. My energy is more than enough for today
  20. Today is the perfect day for me
  21. I am full of power and purpose
  22. I embrace challenges
  23. I am living my best life
  24. I focus fully on my tasks
  25. I always accomplish my goals
  26. I set my mind to do what is important to me
  27. I am powerfully focused
  28. My mind is sharp and clear
  29. Nothing can stop me
  30. There are no limits to what I can accomplish
Wednesday Affirmations - There are no limits to what I can accomplish | wednesday quotes | wednesday positive quotes | daily affirmations
  1. I always do my best
  2. I give my attention to what I value
  3. I improve every day
  4. I find creative ways to reach my goals
  5. There are no limits to what I can do
  6. I am determined to achieve my goals
  7. I believe in myself
  8. I own this day
  9. I see myself triumphant
  10. I am not distracted
  11. Every achievement makes me stronger
  12. My hard work pays off in success
  13. I welcome the challenges that this Wednesday brings

How to Use Wednesday Affirmations to Power Through Hump Day

If hump day is your slump day, here are some ways to use Wednesday affirmations to re-energize and re-motivate yourself:

Remember That Every Day Is a Gift

If you have a challenging workplace, it can be hard to remember that every day is a blessing and an opportunity. Using gratitude exercises throughout the week can help you treasure every day, even Wednesday.

Remain Focused On Your Goals

Instead of getting bogged down in the little challenges of the day, keep your mind focused on your big goals and life purpose.

Then, when you need a pick-me-up, take a few moments to visualize and mentally inhabit your ideal future state, to remind yourself of what you are working toward and how wonderful your manifested reality will be. Taking a mental break in your imagined reality will re-energize you for the tasks ahead.

Reward Yourself

Small acts of self-love are a great way to celebrate your accomplishments, even if your only accomplishment is getting through a tough day. So spend some time outdoors, curl up with a great book, color in a coloring book … anything that you enjoy that nurtures your deeper self.

Go to Bed Early

Getting enough sleep is crucial for your health and happiness, and sometimes the only thing you can do with a Wednesday is get it over with sooner. If you can, just turn in early and look forward to the next day.

Final Thoughts on Wednesday Affirmations to Power Through Hump Day

Wednesdays can be especially challenging for our motivation and mood. So use Wednesday affirmations to generate a more positive mindset, stay focused on your goals, and get more out of every day, even Wednesday.

And if you want more encouraging affirmations, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you want a simple tool to record and recite these affirmations, then check out these 13 affirmations apps that help you create a positive mindset.

wednesday affirmations | thursday affirmations for work | wellness wednesday affirmations
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