55 Fun Things to Do on a Hot Day When You’re Bored

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When the weather first gets hot, we often welcome the sunny days with glee and pull out the flip flops and cute outfits… but it doesn't take long until the heat begins to get to us. At least it does to me.  My hair + humidity = no thank you!

Plus, the heat can be draining. So, while we may have lots of ambition, our energy levels beg to differ. So, what can be done to beat the boredom?  

For starters, this is the perfect time to think of things that you may not be able to do for the rest of the year. It is also the perfect time to start on a new project you have been putting off, like learning a new skill.

Looking for indoor activities is often the best solution, but you can still get outside and enjoy the benefits of being active and conversing with people. You just need to know where to look

We have compiled a list of 55 activities to consider when you are bored and looking for some things to do on a hot day. I am willing to bet these will get the wheels turning, and before you know it, the cooler weather will be sliding in and you'll be glad you had such a busy and eventful summer.

Let's get started.

55 Things to Do on a Hot Day

1. Have a Water Balloon Fight.

Water balloons aren't just for kids, although this is a great family activity! For added enjoyment, try gathering the neighbors and make this a block party balloon fight.

You can make it as simple as having filled balloons to toss or creating an obstacle course and other games associated with water balloon fights.

Small or large, most towns have at least one museum or art gallery, and they are usually air-conditioned in the summer. If an art gallery isn't interesting to you, what about a local aquarium or nature center?

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Gather the family around or call a few friends and spend the day reliving the fun you used to have playing.

Find something that you haven't visited for a while and spend the day leisurely enjoying the sights in the cool air.

3. Create the Ultimate Summer Playlist

This would be the perfect time to compile the ultimate summer playlist to listen to at your next party or when you are in the mood to dance around the living room.

You can start with a pre-made list or look up all your favorites. Remember as a kid how much fun it was to create a mixed tape? 

4. Have a Board Game Day

Take those long-abandoned board games out of the closet (You could also tidy it up a bit, you know you have been putting it off!) and dust them off. Gather the family around or call a few friends and spend the day reliving the fun you used to have playing.

You could even combine this with one of the fun activities below, like having an ice cream party!

Read More About Board Games

5. Make Your Own Adult Popsicles

Hot weather is a perfect time to have some childhood fun and bring it into your adult life. Try making some adult popsicles and sharing them with a group of friends. This activity is definitely one that is great to combine with other fun activities like a water balloon fight.

6. Get Cozy with a Good Book

People often think of getting cozy by a fireplace on cold winter days, but there is nothing stopping you from grabbing a book you have been wanting to read and enjoying it.

Set yourself up in a cool spot with a fresh lemonade, or drink of your choice, and enjoy the book. Extra points if you get a kiddie pool and soak your feet in it as you relax!

7. Start an Indoor Herb Garden

Maybe it is too hot to think about digging in your yard, or maybe gardening isn't your thing. However, taking the time to plant a simple indoor herb garden that sits on your windowsill will have you enjoying fresh herbs for cooking all year. 

8. Make a Vision Board

Creating a vision board is a great way to put give a visual account of your dreams and goals. Grab a large piece of poster board, some markers, magazines, and any other objects for creating, and get started.

This is a great activity to do alone or with a close friend. Here are some vision board ideas to get you started.

9. Try Indoor Ice Skating

Check out the operating hours of your local indoor ice-skating rink. It doesn't matter if this is an old favorite of yours or something you never tried before. Now might be the perfect time to try something new.

10. Wash Your Car

If you don't have a car, your dog would probably welcome a cooling bath outside. Put on some cool clothes, grab your bucket, and hook up the hose. Make it even more fun by inviting a group of friends!

11. Go Kayaking

Anywhere on the water is bound to be cooler than inside the city. Find the nearest place to rent a kayak and spend a lazy day floating down a river. If the nearest place is a bit of a drive, enjoy the ride with your air conditioner turned up and your favorite playlist blasting!

12. Have a Movie Marathon

Think about the movies you'd love to see again. Today would be perfect to gather a few movies, pop some popcorn, and curl up in a cool pair of pajamas for a movie marathon. As an alternative, you can set up an outdoor movie theater under the night sky and hold a neighborhood movie night. 

13. Feed the ducks

There is bound to be a place nearby where the ducks or geese gather. Grab a few bags of frozen peas, which they love, and head out for an afternoon by the water. This activity will lighten any mood and make you forget about the heat. If there are no ducks or geese around, there are bound to be birds that would love a special treat!

14. Visit a Water Park

Grab your bathing suit and head to a water park. Whether you are floating along the lazy river or experiencing the feeling of flying down the slides, you'll soon forget that the weather is smoldering outside.

15. Have an Ice Cream Party

You could try your hand at making your own ice cream or inviting some friends over for an ice cream party. For the party, set out a couple kinds of ice cream, some sauces and toppings and let everyone create their own sundae. To make clean-up easier, invest in some sugar bowls.

16. Paint a Picture

Gather a friend or two… or embark on this adventure alone. Grab a canvas and some paint and create your own masterpiece. For inspiration, you may visit the Bob Ross channel on YouTube. Whatever the end result, frame your piece and hang it up proudly!

17. Do a Jigsaw Puzzle

Skip the online version and pull out a physical jigsaw puzzle. Go for the larger ones. You can make this a family project or simply something that allows you to relax. Jigsaw puzzles can create a type of problem-solving focus.

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Meditation is another activity that doesn't require much planning and works well when the weather keeps you wanting to move as little as possible.

Think of a problem you have been working on. As you work on the puzzle, whether one day or more, think of solutions. By the time you finish, you may have the solution to your problem.

18. Write a Story

We all have at least one story in us waiting to get out. Make today the day you set yours free. If you already write, you may just want to sit and get started, but if you think you need some help, there are free sources online that help guide you through the process.

19. Have an Indoor Picnic

There are no rules that you need to be outside to have a picnic. Make up a cool salad and gather a cooler of drinks.

Toss a blanket on your floor and enjoy a family picnic or grab a book and enjoy the feel of a lazy summer picnic, with the added benefit of air conditioning.

20. Start a Journal

Journaling has many proven benefits. They come in a variety of styles and have many purposes, including dealing with anxiety. Find a nice empty notebook and your favorite pen, and just start freewriting.

You can use this journal in any way you find helpful and may find yourself enjoying a daily journaling habit.

21. Take a nap

In places like Mexico, they understand how refreshing an afternoon siesta can be when it is taken during the hottest hours of the day.

There is nothing stopping you from doing the same. It can also ready you for an outdoor movie night or some other nightly activity that takes place in the cooler hours.

22. Watch the stars

As the day cools, the clear skies of summer come alive with stars, planets you can see with the naked eye, and even meteor showers.

Grab your blanket and head out to your backyard or a quiet spot free of trees and lie back. You will start to feel how wonderful this vast universe is.

23. Take time to meditate

Meditation is another activity that doesn't require much planning and works well when the weather keeps you wanting to move as little as possible. If you've never tried it before, now might be the perfect time to give it a try!

24. Take a Cool Bath

So, you don't have access to a pool? No, need to worry. Run a bashful of water that is just short of cold. Add some essential oil, grab a book and cool drink, and just relax in the water.

Let your muscles rest and rejuvenate your body at the same time. Flower petals and candles aren't a must, but they can make the environment even more magical.

25. Play a New Video Game

Has there been a new video game you have been dying to try? Now might be the best time to turn on the air conditioner and get started on the game.

As an alternative, maybe there is a game you have tried to beat and never quite gotten there. In any case, grab some cold beverages and some snacks and give it a try.

26. Take Some Online Personality Tests

Personality tests are both fun and informative. It is never a waste of time to try and find out more about yourself. Try these 12 tests for free and see what new things may come to your attention.

27. Create a Bucket List

Bucket lists are not only for things you want to do in life. You can make them specific, such as books you want to read, movies you want to watch, or places you want to visit. Maybe you would like to learn 100 new skills in your lifetime. In any case, use today to start compiling your ultimate bucket list, or lists.

28. Go Birdwatching

Where there are birds, there are trees. Where there are trees, there is shade, and sometimes even water. In all cases, the temperature is cooler in these areas. Grab a book on bird identification and go on a search.

You could instead take a camera and try to capture as many different photos of birds as possible. Fair warning, birds are not very cooperative when a camera is brought out!

29. Learn a New Skill

Learning new skills is always a wonderful feeling. When you can actually earn a certificate upon completion, it makes you feel extra good. Try some of these free skill-building classes or do a search for a particular skill you have been wanting to learn.

30. Plan Your Dream Vacation

Start researching for your dream vacation. Whether it involves a cool ocean beach or snowy ski slopes, you can imagine yourself in the locations. Visualize the cool breezes or biting winter winds. Plan all the details and give yourself something to work toward.

31. Declutter

Decluttering your environment helps to declutter your mind. This has been proven by science and has long been known by those who practice the art of Feng Shui.

Use your time indoors to get rid of some of the stuff that has just been taking up space and collecting dust. You'll feel lighter! Learn how to start a declutter habit

32. Attend an Outdoor Concert

Most towns and cities have a variety of summer activities going on, a lot of them in parks where there are trees and fountains.

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Now might be the best time to turn on the air conditioner and get started on playing a new video game.

Grab a copy of your city's entertainment guide and look for an outdoor concert or festival to enjoy.

33. Set New Goals

Do you have life goals in place? Now might be a great time to focus on one or two life goals. You can realize a sense of purpose to help guide you through life. Take a look at this list for some inspiration.

34. Write a Letter

Whether it is a letter letting someone know how much they mean to you or a letter of forgiveness that is meant to bring you peace, actually picking up a pen and writing a physical letter allows a sense of freedom and accomplishment. Feelings tend to flow more freely when you write longhand.

35. Borrow Some Kids

Kids naturally know how to have fun whether the weather is hot or cold. Ask a couple of friends to borrow their kids for a few hours if you don't have any of your own. Ask for suggestions and let the kids lead.

You may end up splashing in the local water fountain, having a hose war, or simply chilling in the shade. The parents will get some time off and you will have a great adventure.

36. Go to an Indoor Playground 

If you’re feeling hot and bothered, your kids will feel it even more, so why not head out to an indoor playground near you? The indoor playgrounds of today are a far cry from the boring play parks of your childhood. Enjoy a host of activities in air-conditioned bliss. 

You and your kids will love the unique features that let you climb, crawl, exercise, and slide until your inner child is absolutely exhausted with joy. 

37. Flavorful Ice Cube Challenge 

Summer is when you really appreciate a refreshing drink loaded with more ice than what sank the Titanic. Make your next summer sipper a flavorful affair with flavored ice cubes. It’s also a great activity to do with your family as you each create a masterful tray of flavored ice cubes for your next beverage experiment. 

Consider adding juice, fresh fruit, coloring, herbs, edible glitter, and more. There’s no limit except your creativity, so go wild and have fun. 

38. Ice Block Treasure Hunt 

Kids love to discover things, so don’t let the heat drain away their creativity or enthusiasm, and with this ice-cavation activity, you can even cool things down too. Imagine a treasure hunt, but in ice. 

Yip, you can create a wonderful ice-pedition for your children and the grown-up kids too by freezing unique toys, treats, and more in a large bucket with water. An ice cream tub also works like a charm. Be creative and hide the treasure in ice with colored ice blocks added. 

To cool things down, the treasure hunters have to chip and chop at the ice with a hammer and a suitable chisel to reveal their prize. 

39. Sunscreen Painting Party 

Channel some inner creative goddess with your besties on a hot day next to the pool. Load up with sunscreen, adding body-safe coloring, edible glitter, and more as you paint up your and each other’s bodies like living canvases. 

Consider mixing body paint with sunscreen for a fun holiday look that will create a summer pattern that you can have loads of fun with. As your body tans, the sunscreen and paint will reveal a stunning design – perfect for feet, hands, and backs. 

40. Relax with a Homemade DIY Spa Day

A home spa sounds like a lot of work, but it’s easy-peasy. Treat yourself with a chilled ice pack for your face, a soothing foot soak, or an ice massage (ideal for you and your partner). 

Make your own delicious spa treats such as a sugar body scrub or homemade body butter. Consider taking an ice bath to invigorate you and your partner.  

41. Backyard Water Gun Battle

Nothing screams summer than having a rip-roaring battle of the water guns in your own backyard. Consider long range water guns, pool tanks, water balloon launchers, and more. Mix things up by coloring the water or adding smashed ice to the water balloons. 

It’s harmless fun under the sun, and it’s sure to cool you down in a spray or two. Protect your eyes with some great sunglasses and decide on a game to play. Your whole family will love this idea.  

42. Hit up Local Food Trucks or Food Festivals 

Night time is an ideal opportunity to try out the local food scene in your city. You can explore food trucks, hot dog stands, out-of-the way restaurants, and ice-cream parlors galore. If you’re new in a city, this is also a perfect opportunity to explore and get to know the locals. 

Hit up your city’s social media pages or travel sites for ideas on where to forage.  

43. Mud Run Madness 

When the heat strikes, it’s an ideal opportunity to get muddy and explore an adventure course that’s loaded with obstacles, net walls, and more. Mudder events are growing in popularity, and whether your city has a mudder course set up or you have to create your own at the lake shore or dig up one, it’s massive fun.

The adventures through the mud encourage teamwork with friends and family, and it’s perfect for cooling down and avoiding sunburn in the trenches.  

44. Foam Party 

Beat the night time (or daytime) heat with a fun foam party. Hire a foam maker, kit out all participants with bubble blowers, and stack up some ice blocks to cool down the party scene.

The foam is an ideal way to alleviate some heat and encourage you to socialize when it’s boiling outside. 

Best of all, finish up the party with a water curtain, where a perforated water pipe can shower you and the party goers with ice water. 

45. Nighttime Glow-in-the-Dark Capture the Flag Game 

Summer nights can turn into melt-downs if you’re not prepared for a way to cool down. Choose glow-in-the-dark bracelets or UV shirts to identify players, set up your glowing flag, and divide into teams. 

The game will get you outdoors as you plan, strategize, and launch an adventure like no other. Make things even more fun with some water guns to cool things down. Finish up with a glow-stick dance for even more fun.

46. Dive into a New Podcast 

Cooling down isn’t always about water or ice. Taking some time out to chillax with a great podcast will help you shake off the heat and dive into the auditory realm. 

Reflect with words of wisdom as you listen to your favorite personality, or soothe yourself into sleep with a great sleep meditation such as those on Calm.

Audiobooks are another excellent way to slow life down a little as you dive into the sounds of a favorite book. 

47. Make Milkshakes 

Nothing chills you like a delicious milkshake. You can explore the local dairy and non-dairy milkshake establishments or you can make your own unique milky creations.

There are no limits to milkshake making, and you can really go nuts (if you want to add some crunch). 

Gather some milkshake recipes to get you started, then explore your way to different tasteful creations. Go healthy or dive into decadence with the best summer milkshake ideas.  

48. Go on a Road Trip, Blasting the AC 

Remember when you were young and heat struck, your parents might have taken you for nighttime rides in the car. If you had AC, you felt like a prince or princess as cool air filled the car while you drove past shops and parks. 

It’s time to throw back to cooler times with a road trip in your area and the AC on full blast. And if your car’s aircon is busted or you don’t have one, you can easily use different ways to cool the car interior.  

49. Go Shopping 

Malls and shops may make you hot under the collar, but it’s also one of the best spaces where you can enjoy respite from the heat.

Stroll through shops and malls with your bestie, window shop for bargains, and enjoy the break from the outside heat. 

Most shops have great AC, which makes the whole shopping experience worth it. The trick is to stroll, not rush, as you pop in and out of blissfully cooled shops.  

50. Chill in a Hammock

There’s a reason the sailors of old used hammocks to sleep in. For one, a hammock lets air naturally circulate around your body, making it an ideal way to beat the heat when your bed turns into the ninth circle of hell. 

Choose from a simple hammock online or create your own with the right tools and materials. You can also place a few ice blocks under your hammock or position a fan to blow away your summer worries. Plus, a hammock is actually great for sleep health

51. Make a “Hillbilly” AC 

When your home just keeps staying warm, you can make a great DIY AC unit with three items: a Styrofoam box, an air vent, and a fan. Fill your AC with ice or water and beat the summer heat at a fraction of the cost. 

The “hillbilly” AC has taken the world by storm, and it’s become a recommendation on weather channels when heat waves hit the US. 

52. Go Berry Picking

You may not love the heat, but you LOVE berries. Summer is when berries start to ripen, and it’s an ideal opportunity to cool down in the shade of some berry bushes and harvest your own berries. 

Local u-pick farms offer the opportunity to pick baskets of ripe and juicy fruit, and it’s a fun activity to do on hot days with friends, family, and even as a team-building activity with your colleagues. Just remember sunscreen and a sunhat. 

53. Go to a Casino

When heat strikes, it’s time to try your luck at the slots. Casinos offer all the latest creature comforts, including refreshments and aircon. The trick is not to go with the idea of winning millions, but rather to have fun, cool down, and rest. Who knows, lady luck may smile on you once you’ve chilled a bit. 

However, know your limits, and if the slots make you hot under the collar, it’s time to check out. 

54. Go Fishing

In summer, fun, sun, and water are an incredible combination, so why not add fish to the mix. That’s right, it’s perfect chill time when you cast your line and wait for the big one to bite. 

Whether you are fishing in your local creek or at a recognized fishing spot, you can have so much fun while you sit back and relax in the shade of a big tree. 

55. Visit a Brewery 

Slake your thirst and beat the heat with a beer tour. That’s right, you can visit local breweries, try out couture beers, and even pop in at a local boutique family-owned brewery.

These magnificent breweries have great temperature control in their cellars, and while you take a tour, you’re sure to chill too.  Afterward, buy a few craft beers to take home as a reminder of a glorious day.

Final Thoughts on Things to Do on a Hot Day

Whether you venture out, or stay at home, you will never be at a loss for something to beat the boredom … thanks to this list. You can try a few or all of them! Or perhaps we’ve inspired you to come up with a few of your own?

Whether you are alone, or with a group of friends and family, you will find yourself entertained if that’s what you want. And maybe you’ll even find yourself having a productive spell, if that’s the route you choose to go. Sky’s the limit.

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