7 Limiting Beliefs Worksheets That Change Your Thinking

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Do you often have thoughts that limit you in some way?

Do you sometimes find your dreams inhibited because of your beliefs?

This is exactly what limiting beliefs do. While these beliefs can protect us, they can also block our way to success. They suppress our potential and hold back our desires.

In this article, we share with you seven limiting beliefs worksheets that can change your perspective on life. These worksheets are designed to help you identify your limiting beliefs and then overcome them.

Let’s check them out!

1. Identify and Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs Worksheet

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First off, here is a worksheet we designed. Our main focus here is to help you identify and overcome your limiting beliefs.

Identifying your limiting beliefs is an essential part of the process. You cannot expect yourself to overcome them if you don’t even know what they are. Ask yourself these questions:

  • When do you make up excuses?
  • Is there any part of your life in which you tend to procrastinate?
  • Is there an instance in which you usually make assumptions?
  • What do you complain about?
  • What spurs your negative thinking patterns?

Once you’re done identifying these limiting beliefs, you will be ready for the next step, which is to overcome them. List the three top limiting beliefs you have (from your answers in the first part) and then ask yourself these questions for each:

  • Am I positive this is true?
  • What are the consequences of this belief?
  • How can I replace these limiting beliefs?

After completing your list, you will be able to help yourself break those bad habits. Finally, the last step is to resolve not to return to them.

2. Overcoming Procrastination: Causing Thoughts & Limiting Benefits

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Here’s another design we created to address your procrastination problems. It involves six helpful steps to help you overcome your limiting beliefs related to procrastination:

  • Identifying your reason for procrastination.
  • Establishing the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, why)
  • Completing the Scavenger Hunt
  • Infusing or combining your facts in chronological order
  • Explaining or putting into words the actual process
  • Completing the whole process by finishing your new system

This worksheet will help you identify the reason behind your procrastination. It will also help you create a process to follow in order to overcome limiting beliefs and bad habits.

3. Overcome Limiting Beliefs Worksheet

The main focus of this worksheet is identifying your limiting beliefs. Its creators believe that the only way you can overcome them is by being able to first acknowledge them.

It focuses on three main questions:

  • What do you truly want to do with your life?
  • What limiting beliefs have stopped you from doing these things?
  • What has resulted from these beliefs?

You will also notice pink boxes that allow you to include “evidence” against such beliefs. These boxes aim to help you overcome your negative thoughts.

4. Self-Limiting Beliefs: How to Overcome Them

The Housewife Modern offers us a three-page worksheet in their version of How to Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs. The PDF file is free, so it’s worth checking out.

There are nine questions, and all you have to do is answer them honestly. You can use scratch paper first (or you can answer the questions digitally) so your worksheet will look neat and tidy when you finally fill it out.

5. 101 Limiting Beliefs Worksheet

If you are looking for a worksheet that is rather easy to complete (no long-form writing), this is a good option. All you have to do is cross out all of the limiting beliefs that do not apply to you (or, alternatively, circle those that do).

Once you’re done crossing out, you can create a plan for how to eliminate or overcome your limiting beliefs. If you don’t have any idea how to do that, you can continue with Tomi Llama’s Clearing worksheet, which we will share next.

6. Clearing Limiting Beliefs Worksheet

This worksheet is a continuation of the previous one. It is built for those who are not sure how or where to start clearing their limiting beliefs. It involves five steps:

  • Step 1: Pick a topic you want to clear limiting benefits around.
  • Step 2: List down all the limiting benefits you have around this topic.
  • Step 3: Thank these beliefs for how they have protected you.
  • Step 4: Forgive yourself and others for all the different beliefs you have developed.
  • Step 5: Give yourself permission to honor these limiting beliefs and move past them.

Of course, you can accomplish this worksheet even without answering the previous one (101 Limiting Benefits Worksheet). If you already have a topic or a limiting belief in mind, you can work on that immediately.

7. Limiting Beliefs Workbook

The Limiting Beliefs Workbook by A Point of Light is a three-page worksheet that allows you to identify, change, and overcome your limiting beliefs. It is free to download, as long as you subscribe to their newsletter (but you have the freedom to unsubscribe anytime).

It contains three parts:

  • What is your limiting belief and its underlying story, and why do you believe this is true?
  • What is the new positive belief and story that you will choose to believe from now on?
  • 10 Affirmations I Will Repeat Every Day (you come up with your own list)

The worksheet has large spaces where you can write whatever you want. You could even add more than 10 affirmations on the third page.

Final Words

Sometimes, it’s not about what we can or cannot do—rather, it’s about what we think we can or cannot do. It may be difficult to change your beliefs, but you have to try if you want to live a healthier and happier life.

We hope that these limiting beliefs worksheets can help you achieve that goal. Pick one and try it out. Set yourself free from all those inhibitions!

limiting beliefs worksheet | limiting beliefs coaching exercise | limiting beliefs list
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