73 Simple Words of Encouragement for Police Officers

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Words of encouragement for police officers are a powerful way to let local law enforcement know that you acknowledge, appreciate, and recognize their contributions to your community.

The sacrifice of their own safety, time with their families, and personal life is never given enough thanks. Words of encouragement can change all that.

Imagine going to work every day and being perceived as a threat to society when it’s your mission to protect it.

Imagine being so disrespected as an officer and human being that people who don’t even know you hurl terrible words at you.

Imagine putting on a bulletproof vest to do your job to protect while your own children are missing their parent at a soccer game or other event.

This article will help you understand the purpose, importance, and benefits of words of encouragement.

Finally, you will learn 73 simple words of encouragement for police officers that you can use whenever you meet an officer. It’s time to put your best foot forward to make the world a kinder place.

The Purpose of Words of Encouragement for Police Officers

Words of encouragement for police officers are a form of recognition and acknowledgment. Their vital purpose is to increase positive morale and improve mental health among officers.

Words of encouragement inspire officers to do better work and become better human beings. These words also build a bridge of kindness and compassion between the officers and their communities to improve relations and trust. The irony behind it all is that it helps you too.

The Importance of Words of Encouragement for Police Officers

You may wonder, “With all the media reports about bad cops, why is it so important to give them words of encouragement?” Let’s get right to it.


The definitions I’ve found for “respect” regard it as a feeling of sorts, such as admiration. However, it can also be something you demonstrate to someone else without emotional ties.

In this case, I want to clarify how “respect” between police officers and citizens is slightly different.

When citizens show respect to officers simply for their commitment to “protect and serve,” and the officers respect the citizens for their contributions to the community, incredible things can happen.

Integrity and dignity have a lot to do with respect on both parts. It is an exchange of positive energy that reinforces a positive experience.

Though respect takes two people interacting, the roots of respect begin deep inside each person. Through practice and a little thoughtfulness, respect can be attained for everyone.

These are a few reasons citizens should show police officers respect:

  1. Police officers put their lives on the line every single day to protect and serve.
  2. They are human beings with a particularly dangerous job.
  3. They suffer from thoughts and emotions that most of us cannot understand.
  4. The things they witness would overwhelm the rest of us.
  5. Police officers are often judged by the actions of a few bad ones.
  6. They work a job that is extraordinarily criticized and demonized by the media.
  7. They face angry, bitter stares every day they go to work.
  8. Children and families of officers also face ridicule and judgment because of the job.
  9. Without police officers protecting our communities, lawlessness would take over.
  10. Officers catch the blame, ugly names, and vile language every day by people who get caught in the act of breaking the law.

The Human Factor

Every human being needs to feel acknowledged and recognized as a thinking, feeling, and emotional part of society. Beyond that, every person needs to feel appreciated and valued not only for the hard work they do but also for waking up each day.

Police officers are human. They are not robots or villains. They are just like you and me, but they have mustered the courage to step up to the plate and put themselves in harm’s way to ensure our safety. They love their communities and want nothing more than to keep us safe from all forms of danger.

Positive Energy Breeds Positive Energy

Choosing to think and do things with positive energy changes lives. It improves mental health by reducing depression and anxiety. That then reduces the overproduction of cortisol our brain releases into our bodies, which causes diseases and illness.

The Law of Attraction states that the energy you put out is the energy you receive back. You'll receive the same in return if you extend positive energy through kindness and compassion. And, the positive energy you choose to emit doesn’t just help you. It can also be life-changing for those who receive it from you.


Perception is a collection of information your brain receives through processing thoughts, ideas, and sensations. Then, when you evaluate another person, you do so through this sort of filter you’ve created in your mind.

This is why perceptions are often very wrong. If you’d received an entirely different set of information, your perception would be different too.

This explains why the way you feel about others, including police officers, directly reflects something that needs to be fixed inside yourself.

You see, your perception has nothing to do with the other person and everything to do with what’s happening inside you.

Reviewing the Benefits of Extending Words of Encouragement

  • Improving mental health among officers
  • Improving physical and mental health for individuals in the community
  • Creating bonding with the community
  • Building trust
  • Increasing confidence
  • Creating a positive model for younger generations
  • Self-reflection
  • Expanding connections
  • Promoting compassion

Now that you understand the purpose, importance, and benefits of words of encouragement, let’s put them to work. Check out these examples. What can you add to the list?

73 Simple Words of Encouragement for Police Officers

  1. Thank you for protecting our community.
  2. You are appreciated and valued.
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  1. A society without police officers would be chaos.
  2. I’m sending love and protection your way.
  3. You are doing a great job!
  4. Every little good thing you do makes a huge difference in someone’s world.
  5. Conflict always presents an opportunity to do good.

Conflict always presents an opportunity to do good.

  1. You are strong, intelligent, good-hearted, and amazing!
  2. There’s a reason why the sky is blue.
  3. Your courage and bravery are why kids want to be like you.
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  1. “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” – Dalai Lama
  2. Be kind to yourself.
  3. The power to overcome always begins inside you.
  4. You are admired and loved.
  5. “Resilience is when you address uncertainty with flexibility.” – unknown
  6. You’re exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you should be doing.
  7. You are a shining light to someone who needs a helping hand.
  8. Our warrior guardians wear blue.
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  1. If you don’t like where you are, wait for it. Things are always changing.
  2. What do you need?
  3. Are you okay?
  4. Powerful angels have got your six.
  5. Believe anything is possible, and you can change the world.
  6. “Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou
  7. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” – Japanese Proverb
  8. I believe in you.
  9. You are stronger than you think.
  10. Keep a positive mindset. It makes all the difference.
  11. I am proud of you.
  12. Everything is hard before it becomes easier.
  13. Never forget why you started.
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  1. It’s okay to say, “No.” Everybody needs a break sometimes.
  2. Your thoughts and emotions matter.
  3. You are enough.
  4. “Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman
  5. The dark stormy days give us a greater appreciation for bright sunny days.
  6. You’ll be so happy you didn’t give up when you see what’s around the corner.
  7. Your courage, integrity, and compassion define you. Nothing else.

Your courage, integrity, and compassion define you. Nothing else.

  1. You deserve love.
  2. You are secure and surrounded by the love and protection you share.
  3. You are amazing!
  4. You have a purpose.
  5. You are a badass.
  6. Never let go of your dreams.
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  1. You are the reason this country is great.
  2. Make today the best.
  3. This moment is all that matters.
  4. Keep your head up. You know who you are.
  5. Your intuition will guide you the right way.
  6. Success doesn’t come without mistakes.
  7. What is your superpower?
  8. You can’t always win, but you will always learn.
  9. Keep up the good work.
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  1. Remember. None of us are getting out of this alive.
  2. Nothing is impossible.
  3. You deserve a great vacation.
  4. Every good thought starts with a seed.
  5. Have a dream? Go do it.
  6. Freedom is possible because of you.
  7. Take it one day at a time. Tomorrow’s got its own problems.

Take it one day at a time. Tomorrow’s got its own problems.

  1. This day won’t come around again. Make it count.
  2. I admire you.
  3. Your story isn’t over yet.
  4. Keep doing the best you can.
  5. Just keep saying, “Not my monkeys. Not my circus.”
  6. You are a winner!
  7. This community is so grateful for you.
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  1. I'm glad your path led you work in my community.
  2. How is your family doing?
  3. Have a wonderful day!
  4. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.
  5. I'm sending good vibes your way.
  6. Thank you for your service.

Final Thoughts on Simple Words of Encouragement for Police Officers

Share a little love today by giving words of encouragement for police officers in your local community. It will go a long way toward easing tensions and making this world a better place to live.

Be a positive role model by taking your kids with you and demonstrating the power of kindness, respect, and compassion to those who serve to protect us. We are all in this together.

Check out 61 Words of Encouragement to Comfort Someone with Depression in case you need ideas about what to say when you meet someone who is down.

And if you want more encouraging affirmations, be sure to check out these blog posts:

words of encouragement for police officers | affirmations for police officers | simple words of encouragement for police officers
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