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When we go through some of the most challenging and uncertain times of our lives, comforting words of encouragement serve as a lifeline.
They boost our morale, encourage us to never give up, and show us that we are not in the fight alone. Additionally, it keeps us from overthinking on negative things.
When a person gets a cancer diagnosis from the doctor, it catches them off guard, and life at that moment becomes unclear. The next phase of life can also be chaotic… namely because your doctor is ready to prep you for surgery and/or start rigorous medical treatments, while you are still trying to grasp the concept of having cancer.
What makes matters worse is when you have a doctor who only explains the following steps after the diagnosis in medical terminology and a carefree manner. This leaves you needing clarification and your concerns needing to be addressed.
If only the process were explained to you in layman’s terms and from the standpoint of compassion, knowing this diagnosis is a shock to the system.
So, it’s safe to say that cancer patients (no matter the stage) have more concerns than what is going on in their physical bodies. Therefore, kind words and genuine concern go a long way for someone gearing up for the fight of their lives. Your encouragement, support, and emotional availability are much needed.
What are words of encouragement, and why do they matter?
We all experience feelings of worry, stress, anxiety, and depression throughout life. Especially during seasons of uncertainty and personal battles. However, words of encouragement may be needed in those moments to keep us from mental breakdowns.
Words of encouragement give us the help we need to keep doing the right thing and stay on the right track. It also helps us to remain positive, productive and focused, no matter how difficult our circumstances may be.
In addition, words of encouragement are expressions of support, approval, and hope for someone. Encouragement is a significant way to build healthy relationships and communities. And is vital because how we feel about ourselves is the foundation of how we think. Furthermore, the way we think significantly influences our behavior.
Moreover, when someone receives encouragement, it reveals to them the value another person places on them, choosing to see what is “strong” with someone rather than focus on what is wrong with them.
Encouraging words enable a person to see that others think so much of them that they do not want to see them physically and emotionally stuck in an undesirable state. Furthermore, encouragement matters because it gives a person the “courage” to overcome any setback that may be in front of them.
51 Comforting Words of Encouragement for Cancer Patients
- You are not in this battle alone. We are here standing with you and supporting you all along the way.
- We love you and will keep you in our prayers.
- What is impossible with man is possible with God. I like your chances.
- You are so much stronger than you know. You’ve got this in the bag.
- This diagnosis is not the end of your story. You will fight through it and win.
- Your life story is still being written; this is just another victorious chapter in it.
- You are such an inspiration to me. I love how you smile and encourage others even under pressure.
- Ask your doctor to test you again. I’m sure cancer saw how strong you were and decided it did not want to mess with you.
- There is no quit in you.
- You are a mighty warrior; I am amazed at how unbelievably powerful you are.
- I am always here for you when you need a shoulder to lean on.
- This sickness doesn’t define who you are.
- I don’t know what to say. But I just want to give you a HUG!
- You are such a bright light to all who know you, especially those who have seen you be so hopeful through this difficult trial.
- You are always gracious and kind, even when you have a reason not to be.
- Each day, you are one step closer to being cancer-free.
- You and I have always been close. Not even cancer can keep us away from each other.
- Let’s plan a getaway! When you are done with treatments, we will celebrate in style.
- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have waited until a cancer diagnosis to tell you how special you are to me.
- I know treatments can be challenging, but they have nothing on you.
- You consistently achieve whatever you set your mind to, so there is no doubt you will beat cancer.
- After all the hardships you have survived, there is no way cancer will get the best of you.
- Cancer is a word, not a death sentence.
- Be encouraged. You aren't dying from this condition. You're living with it. Soon, we'll celebrate that you're living without it.
- I think of you whenever I am having a bad day, and I feel better. You're going through a much worse situation, yet handling it much better.
- We made some t-shirts to support you in the fight. We want to remind you that you have an army on your side.
- Things may be overwhelming, but you're handling it gracefully.
- I want to take you out to your favorite restaurant.
- Let me stop by to cook dinner for you and your family. Remember, I am always here to help.
- I am here by your side throughout this fight with cancer and after things return to normal. You can’t get rid of me that easily.
- Whether you need to scream, cry, or yell at the top of your voice, I’m here to listen and just a phone call away.
- I will mow your grass and keep your yard up until you return to your old self again.
- Here is a card from work that all of us signed. We can’t wait for you to come back. The place is not the same without you.
- Do whatever you need to do to feel better. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
- “There is no better feeling in the world than to go from feeling bad to feeling better!” – Stephen A. Pegues
- I’m so thankful for you and love you.
- Yes, you have cancer, but it doesn't have you. Remember, you have the upper hand.
- One thing I know about you is that you have no quit in you. Cancer will cry, “Uncle!” before you will!
- I hate you’re going through this. But you are in the best hands with the doctors and staff at the cancer facility.
- This journey of yours has had a rocky start, but it will soon have a smooth finish.
- I know you will never surrender. It is not who you are. You're like the energizer bunny that keeps going and going and going.
- You are the most inspirational person I have ever met and have the most powerful inner strength.
- Look at the faithfulness of God! You don’t look like what you’ve been through.
- You’ve had some bad days and heels to climb. The clouds may have hung low, yet you never once complained.
- You're in remission. It's all downhill from here. I told you cancer never stood a chance.
- I know you’re scared, but you are even more brave.
- Let this bring you comfort. When things become overwhelming, put them in the hands of the Lord.
- I’d love to watch your kids for you this evening so that you can get some much-needed rest.
- I have learned so much from you through this whole process. Walking alongside you as you battle cancer has made me more grateful.
- It has amazed me how you’ve found the strength to smile during such an exhausting battle. You inspire me to be brave and strong no matter what I face.
- Here are gift baskets, flowers, and balloons to celebrate your last day of chemotherapy. Congratulations!
Final Thoughts on 51 Comforting Words of Encouragement for Cancer Patients
The key to encouraging anyone fighting cancer is to be genuine and uplifting. What is from the heart touches the heart. Think about it and put yourself in the other person's shoes.
What would be the most helpful things to hear if you were diagnosed with cancer? What would take the most pressure off you if you were a parent battling cancer and still trying to keep the household going? What would bring you the most comfort in those moments when you feel all alone?
Then, after considering those things, be there for them. Keep your words positive. Keep your actions thoughtful. Your friend or loved one may never ask for help, but you can still show your availability without being overbearing and intrusive.
Don’t let them go through this battle alone. Your comforting words bring hope and give them the courage to see this thing through.
Your encouragement will show a cancer patient how cherished and treasured they are. Everyone needs that, but especially when they are in an all-out war against cancer.
And if you want more positive words of encouragement, be sure to check out these blog posts:
- 115 Words of Encouragement for Comforting a Sick Person
- 45 Words of Encouragement for a Parent of a Sick Child
- 51 Words of Encouragement to Say After Surgery